good evening
im not too sure if it was flr or ilr but ill give you the story.we met 2 1/2 years ago got fiancee visa in july 2010 fritzie came over.we married last december and then applied for spouse visa.fritzie visa expired on january 1st 2011 they did not recieve our application until the 4th january.

they keep quoting article 8 of the ECHR the right to respect for private and family life.if looked at the article and digressed but seems very hard to address the issues raised for someone who has been here for 6 months only.fritzie has made so many new friends filo and english,has taken care of my mother who has demensia is that viable and quantifies "familylife" as they so often concern is do we appeal or send fritzie home and then reapply as spouse visa.what would be your advise.