wise words there, rent is becoming more intresting to me
wise words there, rent is becoming more intresting to me
lots of valuable information advice and tips
great reading and i totally agree alot of trust and belief is needed although places are cheap to buy there alot could be lost if things go wrong
i took the risk of buying after three plus yrs of a strong relationship i thought it worth taking the risk
my girl insisted that she get an attorny to basically say i have a right to the properties value but as suggested ive no idea how it would stand up but it was very nice she even insisted to do this for me against the attornys advice
as advice here states you cannot own the land ever
very interesting and sure makes alot of issues clearer
best wishes mark
There's no problem in buying and owning a Condo.
Sorry, I'll just correct that statement.
It's possible to buy and own a condo in Pinas
Lot's of twists and turns there also in terms of the final gross cost (which incidently you may never know until your final signature is made)
You say your new to here. How new to the Phill world and your Girlfriend are you? Slow down would be my advice the two gents above me give great advice.
But why the rush to buy a place?
Will you stay there before and after marriage?
How will you finance your staying there?
What Visa would you have to stay there?
Im sure fellow forum users can think of other questions you need to be happy you can answer.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
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