Another point (sorry been imersed in the subject over the last couple of weeks) find out whats happening regarding flooding and other natural "Issues"

Also see how things will fair over the next ten twenty thirty years etc..

In the Wifes local town several projects are underway to reducde the flooding but it has got a lot worse over the last 5-10 years. Also no gurnantees that the flooding may not become more of an issue. What with areas which were flood plains being bulit on trees being chopped down rivers and lakes being misued as dumping grounds for waste and of course maybe human intevention the local Mayor/council/rich land owner redirects the potential flooding issues away from his and his chums land.

Seen plenty of new propeties (we are planning and buliding several batches of appartments on different plots at the present so been scouting) which seem to have not been designed to deal with likely annual flooding. Some even seem to be in land lower lying than all around

I know Phills live for the moment but never hurts to think ahead.