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Thread: Sensible Diet

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Sensible Diet

    Its being proved that a sensible diet is not just good for your health but good for your brain as well...sorry, but I dont agree with vegan diet as it should be all complete protein,carbohydrates,vitamins and minerals.

    Also there's the cost issue as fast food doesnt mean cheap but many people use it as excuse for time constraints which is understandable as everyone is always in a rush but with a little thought, fresh food can be prepared fairly ,quickly and in most cases quicker than a drive to the local kebab shop or kfc.
    On reading the latest report or even before that, people should really consider what they are being feed with these prepacked prepared meals as the main constraints for the manufacturers is not nutrition.

    Time for everyone to get thier aprons on and check youtube for some quick and easy freshly cooked dishes
    unless they have gone to far down the fast food route and now dont know how to turn their pc or oven on.

    It is an effort to maintain good weight in the UK,from a size 6 to 8 ,need to gain a couple of extra blubber to protect me from the cold.

    Any sensible diet you can recommend??
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    yep, the seefood diet
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    yep, the seefood diet
    Seafood ... I'm not a BIG fan of. But seefood? I only need to see food ... and my mouth waters!

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Its being proved that a sensible diet is not just good for your health but good for your brain as well...sorry, but I dont agree with vegan diet as it should be all complete protein,carbohydrates,vitamins and minerals.
    and why is a vegan diet not sensible

    i've been a veggy-vegan for near 30yrs and still here

  5. #5
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    Joe I remember you saying on another thread that you battle with weight gain and that you cant help eating rubbish. I put it to you, you are starving your body of the foods its craving all through this nonsense diet. Yes You been ok with it for 30 years but that does not make it right. You can say the same for high blood all those year too! Put simply, that diet it starving your body of the minerals and vitamins it requires unless you are taking supp's in the correct way, with cold water with a full tummy.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Joe I remember you saying on another thread that you battle with weight gain and that you cant help eating rubbish. I put it to you, you are starving your body of the foods its craving all through this nonsense diet. Yes You been ok with it for 30 years but that does not make it right. You can say the same for high blood all those year too! Put simply, that diet it starving your body of the minerals and vitamins it requires unless you are taking supp's in the correct way, with cold water with a full tummy.
    i eat a lot of crisps i've not really a battle with the weight, crisips is probably the only i do eat..

    oh i only found out a couple of months ago i have high BP, and i'm certain it has nothing to do with diet, but definately years of stress which has just increased today

    bloodtest were all good

    for a long time i use to eat macrobiotic food

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Any sensible diet you can recommend??
    Do you really have to ask ? Everyone knows there is an epidemic of obesity in many countries, with a huge weight of risks for ill health.
    It's ironic that malnutrition is another problem which may afflict the obese if their diet is wrong (fad diets are to be avoided), and many others through poverty and illness.
    Look no further than the BBC health website ( The benefits of a balanced diet and regular moderate exercise are surely as well known as the risks of smoking.
    The life warranty (life expectancy) in the Philippines is around three score years and ten (70), and a decade longer in the UK. But it comes with no guarantee unless you look after your health. Indeed there is much small print which may invalidate the warranty ! A sensible diet affects not only the brain but every organ in your body. They can't all be replaced !

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I can help you lose 30 pounds very quickly..... just hit the forums DONATE button
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I can help you lose 30 pounds very quickly..... just hit the forums DONATE button
    ... nice one!

  10. #10
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    I'm no expert on diets, but I've seen enough TV programs and read enough about food to know what I want to eat, and do try to eat as healthily as I can. Unlike most men of my age I haven't started growing outwards and try to keep my weight to 70-75kgs, 32 inch waist and am 6 feet tall.

    We all know what isn't good for us, too much sugar, salt and saturated fat, and where possible I try to avoid these. I also try to avoid processed food. I have a very busy life, but I still cook real food, nothing comes from a packet or a jar. Real meat and fish, fresh vegetables, lots of salad and fruit. I only cook with olive oil and don't eat anything made with white flour. I also try to avoid dessert unless it is fruit or berries and don't eat any sweets unless they are sugar free. Another thing I avoid is beer, unless is is light beer (made with much less sugar).

    Having said all of the above, if you look at my recent pics from the Pina's, you'll see me stuffing my face with Red Ribbon Choc Cake, McD's, Jollibees and everything else I usually avoid....well I was on holiday and am allowed a treat when I'm away

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