You are right Terpe,women here in Australia women live longer by far, being a taxi driver picking elderly up from rest homes very rarely I get a man over the age of 80,many women over the age of 90.
And to be honest doc I been to the phills 7 times visited many places there,very rarely I see a man over 60 see more women but not many,so to be honest,where are they getting the statics from.
The men drink a lot especially rum,it around 80% proof,they drink it straight,followed by a little water,a 750ml bottle of rum about $1.25 au the same here in Australia about $32.they smoke a lot,a packet of 20 around 15 peso a packet that's around 40 cents a packet here in Australia,we pay now $11.
Also doc in the Phills lots of food very salty or very sweet food,you take their bread I cant eat its to sweet.And more eating fast foods.