Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Maybe some members here will remember that my wife had to make an unplanned emergency visit to Phils last September when her bother
passed away.
He had a lot of medical problems and we had supported him medically for about 3-4 weeks prior to his passing.
This post is going to raise some important and potentially controversial issues.
I sincerely hope nobody will be offended, but let me state right away I make no apology.

So here goes.
The doctors who treated my bro-in-law (and there were a lot!) ALL knew that he was terminal.
Yet they continued to 'send' him for numerous tests. They continued to call upon specialists in this, that and the other.

All this activity really impacted on my bro in his final days, how many times he said he was hurting and in pain, how many times he said he was tired, how many times he just wanted to rest, and in his own words, go to a better place.
How many times he was not allowed to eat or drink because of tests.
Yet ALL the doctors knew he was terminal.
Why so many doctors, why so many tests, why so many procedures, why so many medications, why so much precious time with family curtailed.
Let me tell you why. MONEY
Can you ever imagine intelligent, educated DOCTORS will do that for MONEY
My bro lived in a small village in the province. When he was first taken really seriously he was taken by tricycle to the local hospital. His friend ran for 2km to find one.
That hospital had no air-con, no clean bedsheets, no medicine to treat him and no senior doctor on duty. Not even a dextrose drip!
BTW there was no food or drinks. That's for family to provide.
It took us 3 days to get him moved to Davao, the nearest big city with good hospital facilities.
Why? because the local hospital had only two ambulances. One was completely broken the other needed some new brakes and by the way needed some petrol in the tank. Yep, you got it, we paid for all reapirs and the petrol, with extra to work overnight, just to give him a decent chance. MONEY
The wife's family could not afford it and could not raise enough money fast enough. So everyone relied on the speed of transactions for remittances from UK. MONEY

The hospital would not release my bro to travel to another hospital unless we agreed that a qualifiied 'watcher' would accompany him. Means a nurse or doctor to be by his side during the transfer. Why?? MONEY
They would not release him for transfer by taxi. Why MONEY

What makes me say that? Well ,there was no medicine or useful working equipment in the ambulance so whats that all about then. MONEY
How I wish I could really write a moving story to brings tears to your eyes.
I just can't seem to convey enough emotion into these words.

I've got tears in my eyes as I type this. I just wish you could all understand. The feeling of hopelessness.

My God, it really tears you apart when you understand how very easy it is to realise that without MONEY and by just living in the wrong place, this country called Philippines can easily be the last of you.

Can you ever imagine that intelligent, educated, and compassionate people like DOCTORS will do all that for MONEY?
Can you ever imagine that intelligent, educated, and compassionate people like DOCTORS and hospital administrators will CHEAT you and your dying beloved family. For MONEY
NOW protect yourselves and your family.
This is a third world country with many issues
sorry about this bad experience....this is a great information as well that if u live in the province in phils..u would hardly see a decent hospitals and health centers

my uncle died from colon cancer last 2007...it was on advance stage we were told that he can go on treatments but gave us no hope that he would live longer than 6 months....but then we say we wouldn't let my uncles life to pass without a fight so we give him the treatments he may be needed...he passed away after 6 months.

asking the doctor about the possibilities would be vital but some filipinos dont do that due to lack of knowledge and education...but then again we have to realized that filipinos never lose any hope till the last breath