It may improve the economy but not the health of most filipinos. It is not the answer to improving the host nation's health.
Health tourism is a lucrative business, both in Europe and Asia, but it should have several health warnings.
* All medical and dental procedures have a degree of risk. Informed consent should be obtained from doctors who speak good English.
* Full medical assessment is essential. Any pre-existing medical conditions should be known, and insurance obtained, in UK first.
* The 6 month visa might not be long enough if things go wrong. Corrective surgery or other treatment may be needed, either in the private hospital, or after return to the UK. Emergency treatment would be free in the UK, but not further cosmetic surgery.
* Doctors and other health care workers are covered by insurance in the UK whether for NHS or private work. Is there a complaints procedure, and what are the chances of negligence claims, abroad ?
* There may be unwanted souvenirs ! India has an antibiotic-resistant superbug now.