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Thread: Can my partner stop attending college?

  1. #1
    Member CoolBreeze2106's Avatar
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    Question Can my partner stop attending college?

    Can my partner stop attending college?

    This is our situation….

    I am a British Citizen. Born in UK in 1983 and have lived here all that time.

    I have met a Filipino lady who is here in the UK . Her visa is a 2 year Student visa which end this November 2011.

    We have been granted our C.O.A and we are getting married 26th March 2011.

    After this we will apply for her FLR-M which I don’t see any problems with her obtaining.

    We have recently found out that we are going to be parents and she is currently 13 weeks into pregnancy.

    So that is our situation and now I come back to my question. Is she able to stop attending college? I assume the legal answer is ‘No’ due to her visa. But she really wants to stop going, firstly to stop paying the huge fee and secondly to enable us to move in together as currently her work and college are situated in the same town and we see it pointless her moving to my home town as she would just have to travel back too often….

    Are there any loop holes or do you think we would be OK for her to quit as we will be applying for the FLR-M very soon?

    Thanks for reading.


  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if she does not attend college, her college has a duty to report her to UKBA for not attending her course and she will be breaching her visa conditions.

    a COA is not a visa and until she has her FLR(M) visa in her passport and is still subject to her student visa conditions.

  3. #3
    Member CoolBreeze2106's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if she does not attend college, her college has a duty to report her to UKBA for not attending her course and she will be breaching her visa conditions.

    a COA is not a visa and until she has her FLR(M) visa in her passport and is still subject to her student visa conditions.
    Thought as much.... Worth a try though

    Do you know of processing times for FLR-M via postal applications. The home office site is a bit confusing to find them, heard of any recent applications and their durations?

    Thansk agian

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    should be btw 4 - 8 wks.

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