Thank Brunei, What type of work you looking for? See your Oil and Gas. Same Sector as me. Im currently at a Training Centre for Syrian Gas, about 160 km north of Damascus, prior to that was working in Abu Dhabi for a year on contract and 5 years in Kuwait for Kuwait Petroleum Corporation(KPC) If you have loads of experience, have you thought about doing a teaching qualification in the Uk when you arrive? look into Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) the courses are quite quick can do it in a week full time and thats the basic Qualification thats needed working in the Sector.
Once you have the qualification there seems to be quite a few training/teaching/assessing jobs within the Sector. Let me know your discipline may be able to search for some stuff for you and let you know. We were desperate for a Mechanical Engineer Trainer up to last week but have just managed to get one. There is only 9 of us here so quite a small set up but we all have some good networking opportunities within the Sector. All the best on the search.