Hi there ! - Heres what I did

1 - We arrived Sept09 under a Fiancee Visa.
2 - Jan 2010 was the happy happy day !! (Marriage)
3- Before Fiancee Visa Expired we applied for FLR (Further Leave to Remain) Using FLR(M)form
4.Our little man was born in June 2010
5. We took a trip to London PH Embassy - To - Report Our marriage plus the Birth of our Son.

6. We will shortly be going back up for a day out in London and submitt the forms to Change my wifes Surname to my family name - Which does involve a new passport being issued - I believe they say upto 6 weeks..

NOTE: - As you are probably aware the PH embassy is a very busy place - Be sure to Print off the forms from the Embassy website - FIll them out and ensure you take Copies of the forms/ Birth/Marriage certs.. as requested in the Notes on the forms.

All the best !!!!!!!!

