Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
I have no problem with any of this, International market forces, if we do not compete with the likes of Asia, we'll all be out of work regardless of who comes to this country.

Plenty of work for everyone if they can be bothered getting off their and doing it. Nothing to stop English folk from moving to another European country and taking advantage of cheaper housing, taxes, etc.
is that why you moved to wales , i just seen on the news that nhs prescriptions are now free in wales but got up in england

plenty of work for everyone , open your eyes and look around you, myself i've been made redundant twice in the last 6yrs thru the companies going into liquidation, and the companies had been trading nearly 10 years each. as for international market forces !, yes call centres, help lines, production jobs all going to eastern europe and asia ! just so the companies can make more profit at a cost of employing local people.

so to compete in a international market, lets scrap the minimum wage, social security and all the benefits. the nhs - people with money use bupa anyway, have one tax rate, and bring back the sweat shops and factories oh like the mills that covered liverpool and manchester 100 years ago. you have to protect the living standards in the uk, or let it decline and go back to 100 years ago.

most of the other EU states, put a limit on work permits, to control any surges in immigration, why didnt the uk? , i just wonder if this is the biggest a gov has ever made in a long time.