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Thread: bank estatement/certificate of employment

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    bank estatement/certificate of employment

    heloo everyone, i understand that one of the requirements in getting a fiancee visa is for myponsor to produce a bank statement, certificate of employment and 6 months updated pay slip my question is.
    1. would i be required also to produce these documents?

    2. would it affect my visa aplication if i conot produce these documents
    for a reason that your not currently employed and your bank balance is not stable?

    3. did any filipina got there finacee visa recently even without submitting the documents i mentione above?

    im aware that my bf is the one who should satisfy about his finacial condition to prove that he can support me in uk for a certain time, but with the new checklist they have my finacial condition has to be taken cared of for its on the list.
    i would apreciate any infos guys thnks!

  2. #2
    Respected Member ampy's Avatar
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    i had my fiancee visa approved last year,,,i had to show my band details and bank certificate too,alos showed my land titles or any iother properties i have in the philippines,it is something you would like the embassy to see and trust you that incase something not right might happened to you abroad you should also be able to help yourself too....
    I have not sure if you are really need to produce this bank statements of your but if you have it ,,,it will help you a lot too .
    it might not affect your visa after all anyway,,,look at the check list,it will be in the web for applying a fiancee visa,,,,no point of worrying do your own search ,it is best to see and read it yourself,
    good luck kabayan !!!balitaan mo ko,ha!

  3. #3
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    thnks your ifo ampy, thats for sure i will update from time to time my visa aplication experiences to help others as well

  4. #4
    Respected Member ampy's Avatar
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    but with the new checklist they have my finacial condition has to be taken cared of for its on the list.
    i would apreciate any infos guys thnks!

    sorry i didnt noticed thsese,so you will have to stick with this regulation,kung hindi baka di ka makapasa,,,just ask him to come over and marry you there in pinas,,,,then it his financial condition only which they will probably ask from you,,,,good luck !!

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