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Thread: Property Values in RP (changes in past year or two Rixal, near Manila)

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Property Values in RP (changes in past year or two Rixal, near Manila)

    I would be grateful to hear from anyone in RP regarding property values.
    I am particularly interested in Rizal , i.e. just outside Manila.

    I would like to know how house prices (say 3 bed rooms) have changed over the past year or two.

    Thanks Guys,


  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Pretty much the same as anywhere in the R.P John I should imagine.. Prices have gone up!
    The market is different here than in the UK.. Most people will not bargain unless you offer hard cash or they have a family emergency.
    They do not seem to believe that market forces should force prices down (ever!!)and perhaps because of this prices remain steady or rise..
    Finding a buyer is a whole different ball game of course..

  3. #3
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    Thanks Fred

    Anyone any idea what 3 million Pesos cash would buy in that area (specifically Taytay, Rizal?

  4. #4
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Thanks Fred

    Anyone any idea what 3 million Pesos cash would buy in that area (specifically Taytay, Rizal?
    Try this John, but its best to get your wife or family of your wife to negotiate.

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Thanks Fred

    Anyone any idea what 3 million Pesos cash would buy in that area (specifically Taytay, Rizal?
    John..That is such a tough question for me..
    I realise that you wish to buy remotely from Spain and I can understand the reasons as it may not be practical for you to do your own research with boots on the ground..
    However 3 million is a lot of money..40,000 GBP give or take?
    I have no idea about the circumstances or the reasons for your purchase but please dont rush things and try to come over at your own convenience for at least a month to answer your own questions..
    A good location can mean many different things to local people that may be looking for the ideal property..When you first visit though it may or may not come as a disappointment but by then its too late either way..
    When buying property here you really have to make sure that you are as near to public transport and highways,shopping malls,hospitals etc as possible without compromising peace and quiet!
    My sincere advice would be to wait until you can get over here to ensure your money is spent wisely..You can then view as many properties as you like and then get your family to negotiate the best price..
    Sorry if this is more information than you required without answering your original question..However this is the best advice I can give without influencing you and then feeling guilty for not doing so otherwise...

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Sorry..Should have added.. Check advertised prices online and discount 15%..Then you may be in the general ball park depending on if its a developer or a private sale. A private sale could be a lot less than advertised depending upon who the seller believes they are marketing too, (if you get my meaning)
    Make sure relevant legal and BIR searches are done and that the land has a legal title without liens etc)

  7. #7
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    Thanks Fred.

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