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Thread: Lessons In Hatred And Violence - CH 4 Tonight 8pm

  1. #31
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    Usual apologist, multiculturalist, inane tripe from the Chuckle Brothers

    9/11,7/7, Islamisation & refusal to integrate, grooming of young girls, bogus colleges, poppy burning, rejection of western values - don't these "isolated incidents" form the "Bigger Picture" ?

  2. #32
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Yes of course they do as history has shown but luckily more and more decent folk see what's happening and are getting tired of all these demands and Islamic crap shoved in our faces,I honestly believe it's one of the reasons why there had not been a major incident for a while.
    I think the extremists know the tide will turn if they decide to do another 9/11 or 7/7 at this time.
    Thats not to say it will happen in the future

  3. #33
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Usual apologist, multiculturalist, inane tripe from the Chuckle Brothers

    9/11,7/7, Islamisation & refusal to integrate, grooming of young girls, bogus colleges, poppy burning, rejection of western values - don't these "isolated incidents" form the "Bigger Picture" ?
    if your bothered that much, why don't join the army and go and give these guy's a fight in their back yard

    is it possible you all can stop insulting your fellow forum members as much as you can, the ban button is just a click away
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #34
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    when 2 world's collide, such a cute baby
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    when 2 world's collide, such a cute baby
    Sorry bornatbirth, I deleted the image then saw you had commented on it.
    I am struggling with getting an image at a good size. i have a pm from a mod and am trying to work out what is happening......

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    if your bothered that much, why don't join the army and go and give these guy's a fight in their back yard

    is it possible you all can stop insulting your fellow forum members as much as you can, the ban button is just a click away
    These issues are all in our UK backyard so I expect the Govt to do what they were elected for and sort out the mess left behind by the socialists - for that reason I write to Theresa May and local and national newspapers to highlight the numerous failings and what I expect to be done. For example I demanded the sacking of the inept UKBA Officer who instructed that suspected drugs swallowers were not to be stopped during the snowy weather.

    The apologist culture of political correctness, multi culturalism, human rights, roll over and accept it etc needs to be ripped away layer by layer

  7. #37
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    if your bothered that much, why don't join the army and go and give these guy's a fight in their back yard

    is it possible you all can stop insulting your fellow forum members as much as you can, the ban button is just a click away
    Unbelievable from a Mod
    I get called a Racist and no action taken yet you threaten Dedworth with a ban-double standards!

  8. #38
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    You chose not to see what he rest of us see.
    I can't be bothered with someone who shuts their eyes to what is presented to them and brands anyone who points it out a racist,
    Please add me to your blocked list as I'm not wasting anymore time on you
    Les..Be fair!! Hes ignoring DW so perhaps its your turn to hit the ignore button this time..
    Now all we need is DW to ignore Keith or visa versa and Bobs your uncle, Happy days!.
    Perhaps then I wouldn't get any more annoying complaints.

  9. #39
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Ok I've hit the ignore button
    Let's talk about colours,and needlecraft now so as not to offend any one

  10. #40
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    all the stuff dedworth post's and all those that agree sound like racist, why are you so surprised that other's don't agree including me

    dedworth hide's behind a screen whilst ranting this nonsense that we are all doomed by the invading foreigner's ...i thought most on here married one

    that ban is for anyone who can't play nice and it's being reviewed!, beside's i thought you were all grown up's with better thing's to
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  11. #41
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    The section Dedworth posted in is for any subject matter as confirmed in the past by Keith.
    So according to your rules the documentary in question made by Asians must be Racist then!
    What Dedworth is saying and I agree and do plenty of members on here that there is a growing Islamic movement preaching hatred and division to large groups of people.
    This is already in this country and of course you are aware that the 7/7 bombers used mosques to hold their planning of bombing meetings?
    It is not racist to discuss these things and be appalled at what we see.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    nonsense that we are all doomed by the invading foreigner's ...i thought most on here married one

    that ban is for anyone who can't play nice and it's being reviewed!, beside's i thought you were all grown up's with better thing's to
    Where have I ever lumped foreigners together other than crims, asylum seekers and the enemy within that is the topic of this thread.

    Isn't it strange that we never see reports about girl grooming, bombings, insult and rejection of UK values by nationals of countries such as France, Malaysia, Brazil, China, Italy, Hungary, USA, Philippines - surely these counties must export their fair share of perverts, 'ner do wells, extremists etc over here or maybe that's all swept under the carpet ?

    Still it's all sticks and stones, maybe people shouldn't be so eager to dish out the racist jibe - Oh sorry I forgot that was a standard Labour Party tactic until the politburo decided otherwise when it knew the game was up. What did Bottler Brown call that woman ? A bigot wasn't it ?

    Back on topic ...............Other than myself and Les did anyone else actually watch the C4 programme ?

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    It is not racist to discuss these things and be appalled at what we see.

    If we are governed by the Labour Party Rule Book 1997 - 2009 it is racist

  14. #44
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    hasn't everything been said already

    btw do you know that johncar and his wife made their own wedding clothe's
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    hasn't everything been said already

    btw do you know that johncar and his wife made their own wedding clothe's
    It hasn't been said already, before there was any chance to discuss any of the issues raised on the programme it was hijacked with predictable racist accusations.

    Those who watched it would have seen the former MP for Keighley and a Chief OFSTED Inspector indicate that the Mosque and School concealed what was going on.

    Surprise, surprise, what a coincidence 9 years after the allegations were first raised a man has been arrested

    A very interesting fact about Mr & Mrs Johncars wedding outfits thank you for highlighting it

  16. #46
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    anyone got some chill pills??

  17. #47
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Hey just thought the Prime minister is a racist for saying our multi-cultural society has failed

  18. #48
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    This has NOTHING to do with our relationships with Filipinas....and OUR immediate families - citizens who have made every effort to abide by British immigration rules, to embrace the British way of life, and to assimilate peacefully into society.

    Does anyone seriously think that I/we are not aware of racial discrimination and intolerance ?

    It has everything to do with genuinely felt concerns by some members, who perhaps are not ready to be brainwashed into accepting the 'politically-correct' utopian society envisaged by other members in their naive daydreams.

    These are my wonderful children, for whom I have made many personal sacrifices in order to give them a good life...a nice selection for a 'racist':

    Yes, I WILL protect them with my life from muslim extremists and other lunatics.
    The 'racist' label is purely a red herring in these discussions.

  19. #49
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    This has NOTHING to do with our relationships with Filipinas....and OUR immediate families - citizens who have made every effort to abide by British immigration rules, to embrace the British way of life, and to assimilate peacefully into society.

    Does anyone seriously think that I/we are not aware of racial discrimination and intolerance ?

    It has everything to do with genuinely felt concerns by some members, who perhaps are not ready to be brainwashed into accepting the 'politically-correct' utopian society envisaged by other members in their naive daydreams.

    These are my wonderful children, for whom I have made many personal sacrifices in order to give them a good life...a nice selection for a 'racist':

    Yes, I WILL protect them with my life from muslim extremists and other lunatics.
    The 'racist' label is purely a red herring in these discussions.
    Thank you Graham for pointing that out,that is exactly what we are talking about but unfortunately you can get branded a racist on here for speaking your mind by people who don't listen to what you are trying to say.
    Reminds me of kids who put fingers in ears and go na na na na not listening

  20. #50
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    a great read from many and Graham a great picture yet again great kids and a beautiful lady too,well lads and lasses dont know what sttarted this all and i am not intrested either my world how ever small is what i am intrested in , sod every else my family and my friends are my concern , be good and polite to others and hopefully they will be the same if not ignore them , simple but then again thats me a simple person trying to have a great life

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    a great read from many and Graham a great picture yet again great kids and a beautiful lady too,well lads and lasses dont know what sttarted this all and i am not intrested either my world how ever small is what i am intrested in , sod every else my family and my friends are my concern , be good and polite to others and hopefully they will be the same if not ignore them , simple but then again thats me a simple person trying to have a great life
    I guess those people sitting on a bus and 3 tube trains at the wrong time and place on 7/7/2005 were ordinary folk just wanting to get on with things and have a great life amongst family and friends.

  22. #52
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    indeed the wrong place for many in this world , and i hope that i am never there , but one day i will die, with my loving emma near me i hope but if i get killed another way well i just hope that i have given my family happy memories of my life,

  23. #53
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    The wife I watched it We were shocked and angered. What were the parents of these children doing about it ? If they had been my kids I would of armed myself with the biggest piece of wood i could hold in one hand then get the offending teachers, then beat the hell out of them Sod the law. For me it ruined the following program, one born every minute. I was still shaking with anger hours later.

  24. #54
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I guess those people sitting on at home at the wrong time and place on 20/03/2003 were ordinary folk just wanting to get on with things and have a great life amongst family and friends.
    Your absolutly right
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Your absolutly right
    Good point Keith.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    all the stuff dedworth post's and all those that agree sound like racist, why are you so surprised that other's don't agree including me

    dedworth hide's behind a screen whilst ranting this nonsense that we are all doomed by the invading foreigner's ...i thought most on here married one

    that ban is for anyone who can't play nice and it's being reviewed!, beside's i thought you were all grown up's with better thing's to
    I always feel like this when she gives me a tampo

  27. #57
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    What goes on in the outside world, whether we like it or not, is our concern. You make that statement to the grieving widows at Wotton Bassett watching there dead loved ones going by in coffins. These and the thousands before them have made it possible to have a 'great life' here in the UK. We owe it to those fallen servicemen to have concerns on what happens outside our little circle of comfort. Ignorance is not an excuse. Good thread Dedworth. Keep up the good work

  28. #58
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    J - Just for the sake of good order and before you get daubed with the racist brush by our intellectual newly wed's chum I think it might be advisable to edit your post to read " likes of fundamental and extreme Muslims"

    Are you anywhere near the Alum Rock Mosque if I'm not mistaken that's featured in a documentary or two ?
    I'll leave it as it is. A racist in my eyes is someone who has hatred for everyone who's of a different race to them such as white supremists. It just seems nowadays someone makes a comment about a person of a different race and they get branded one. It's getting so stupid now, a kid at some school has been branded a racist for calling a fellow pupil 'Chocolate Brownie' even though this kid is white and has Brown as his surname.

    As for Alum Rock, I live the other side of the city now although I did live in Asian communities such as Sparkbrook & Small Heath, the area where the school on the programme is.

  29. #59
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    Another pic' of my 'diverse' family:

  30. #60
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    oh its hot in here,,, must be the vindaloo ,
    why do the muslims get planning permission so easily to build their mosques ?
    why are their wants and demands given to them so easily ? ,,, is it for their votes? or maybe to keep them quiet?
    why have i as a white english man lost my freedom of speach ?a black muslim has freedom of speach. sorry can i say black or is it racist ?
    i grew up around bradford , and keighley hot spots if you like,i watched them over the years growing in numbers, them running their illegal brothels,young white english girls 11,12,13 yrs old introduced to drugs groomed and put to prostitution by these muslims,(my lovely young neice included,she has suffered physicly and mentaly even now still affected by the experience,areas of keighly, the police dare not interfear, they do as they like,4 days after reporting harrassment on an old guy and his wife entering their house uninvited to do this, 4 days thats 4 days the police turned up in numbers , what good is that? the cavelry turns up after the battle is done, fear they are feared,
    multy cultural no no, its fast becomming a muslim country and our govermont welcome it, on englands green and pleasant land, just dont say im racist , im just a witness of the truth, bring back my heratage , the golly wog, black n white minstrels, ba ba black sheep,
    the right to joke about other races as we have always done, ie,, the scotsman the english man and the irish man,without being accused of racism. this is not the england i knew, this my view and my right as is all our rights to say what we think, now thats england freedom of speach rip

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