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Thread: Lessons In Hatred And Violence - CH 4 Tonight 8pm

  1. #151
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    To any mod on here can you please delete my account,looked around site can't seem to find unsubscribe button

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    That is what Dedworth has been doing all along.
    He hardly ever posts about anything to do with the Philippines.
    I wonder why?

    Here speaketh the man who the other day said

    "I don't see your posts Dedworth - you are in my ignore list. "

  3. #153
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    well, you have made your mind up, you are free to make it.

    You all have a responsibility to respect EVERYONE who comes to this forum, something I think you have lost sight of. As I see it, the admin team, myself included, has given lots of freedoms to all of the antagonistic and bullying views in this thread.

    Maybe try to find positive news stories, wouldn't that make a change for some of you.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    well, you have made your mind up, you are free to make it.

    You all have a responsibility to respect EVERYONE who comes to this forum, something I think you have lost sight of. As I see it, the admin team, myself included, has given lots of freedoms to all of the antagonistic and bullying views in this thread.

    Maybe try to find positive news stories, wouldn't that make a change for some of you.
    Yes, Yes, YES
    To be controversial occasionally is to be expected by all of us but to do this day after day, post after post takes some doing and seems to bear no reflection to what the real reason Keith set this site up for.

  5. #155
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Yes I was well respected being called a racist
    Sick of saying this but a valid and interesting subject was brought up,As soon as any sort of comment was made we're racists-for heavens sake it was the muslims who were concerned.
    When someone calls me a racist I'm going to have a go back and I was trying to point out how sad the situation and worrying these extremists are.
    I have posted plenty of friendly,fun,helpful posts on here and have a decent rep on here so I can't be the devil you all think I am.
    But threats of the ban button,silly comments by one particular mod leave me to believe you have a policy of not ticking the person who called me a racist with any form of warning but would rather lambaste myself and Dedworth.
    Lots of members have defended what we said on here and agree with our concerns but you chose to ignore that.

  6. #156
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    People on here need to look up the meaning of the word 'racist', as I don't see any on this thread.

    Can you all agree to disagree now as we do in a civilised society without reverting to calling people things they are obviously not. If people are unable to understand the meaning of the words they are using, they should not be using them as they just make themselves look dumb.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #157
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I do apologise for that I wasn't,actually called a racist but this comment by Aposhark is tantamount to the same thing "You incite race hatred and you are just the same as a few people you seek to deride"
    So actually looking back on that it is actually worse than being called a racist.
    The people I seek to deride are Islamic extremists and child abusers and I'm the same as that am I

  8. #158
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I wasn't talking to anyone in particular, it's just that time and time again some people on this forum seem to think the word racist means something it doesn't
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #159
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Well Keith I'm sad to leave but I think it's the right thing to do.
    Thanks for all the help and in the main this forum has been great and I have enjoyed it.
    I hold no malice to anyone on here but feel with the events that have happened I wont feel comfortable posing on here especially to any controversial subjects.
    All the best les
    (please delete account Keith)

  10. #160
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i dont know what everyone is arguing about , i'm sure we all agree those that preach hate should be brought to justice or kicked out if their not brits and not every muslim is a terrorist

    anyway all this is , its friday afternoon and in 2 1/2hrs time, i'll be off home to see little joe , and while i'm with him i'll forget about all the i've been thru and whats coming up in the wks head, aposhark do the same, becuase you've better things to be doing at home

  11. #161
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    Apo I suggest you look through your selective quotes again. Radio 4 did track down a lady and to quote 'all the pieces fit except her have a phone and her losing sons in the war'. The tv networks like today still have there own agendas Lets remind ourselves of Blair and his lies and even bigger crime in my eyes. Fred You would do it all again to bring your family here I bet you would. We all would. A member here called White Raven He was processing his visa at the same time as my wife. Take a look at his posts. He was 47 doing agency work. He did it! There is no excuse for anyone else. Apo You did comment to Fred's post on this and I agree with you. How right you are and others also singing the same hymn. Its not long term Fred. We do what we got to do. for those finding it boring Dont read it. Just like me. Hence why my postage is low I read and post when I got something to say. You got nothing worth while to say Then dont post it. The fact is 20 years ago if you didnt work you were broke. Now You dont work you have many benefits. So what is the reason to go out to work for a min wage. The reason is folks is to get 6 months wage slips together to get you heart broken partner here. So forget comparing the money benefits between working and not working. Yes You wont be much better off by working So what What it will mean is that you will get your family here. So please lets stop moaning about the unfairness of it all. 2 wrongs dont make a right.

  12. #162
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    indeed to all if you have something to say then say it , its a free country they say still, just grow up many of you on here , in the last few days this thread has been terible and like someone said if someone new was reading this it would put them of, its pissed me off and i dont know what half of you are on about half the time, i class myself as inteligent, yes i know i spell very poor but hey ho we all are not perfect other then my Emma, so the world sometimes is a **** place to be in but while we are here enjoy and try to be good to others ,

  13. #163
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    Fred The wife found the film you mentioned Its in lovefilms listings. Will watch it Mon or Tues

  14. #164
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    An interesting read in the Daily express today. Front pages 'work shy to lose benefits The greatest welfare shake up for 60 years' well done David! Worth having a read on there site. Very good According to the Express To quote 'Mass immigration has been fuelled by the broken welfare system, the work and pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said yesterday.' There was me thinking it was because of our wonderful climate. What do I know Im only a truck driver

  15. #165
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    welli dont think this is new news they say it all the time and nothing changes, the only thing that might change is for new people claiming

  16. #166
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    this thread has caused so much unrest and looks like bad feelings have arisen from it,

    if we have a vote ,, to close the thread down, please count my vote ,

    close thread,,,, vote,,,,,,, yes

    anybody else ?

  17. #167
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    An interesting read in the Daily express today. Front pages 'work shy to lose benefits The greatest welfare shake up for 60 years' well done David! Worth having a read on there site. Very good According to the Express To quote 'Mass immigration has been fuelled by the broken welfare system, the work and pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said yesterday.' There was me thinking it was because of our wonderful climate. What do I know Im only a truck driver
    funny you mention the front page of the express gwapito, there are 2 sides to every story, it showed the express front page and the mirrors front page on the news on the beeb, same story but of course they report a different outcome

    but is hate also fueled by the media ??

  18. #168
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Fred The wife found the film you mentioned Its in lovefilms listings. Will watch it Mon or Tues
    have you applied for your visit visa yet gWapito ? i'm starting to collect bank statements to apply for a VV for my misses Aunt, hopefully i can get her here b4 the summer hols

  19. #169
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    Imagine I thought you going to Phil on the 17th I hope all is ok ?

  20. #170
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    Joe Been a change of plan for the time being. Her mother hormones have kicked in Now she wants to do it all by herself. We go back to Phil in time for all souls later this year for 6 weeks. If she has a change of mind by then We will process the visit visa. Keep us posted on your progress

  21. #171
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    we really need her aunt here april/may as we will have to start paying the childminder near £600a month, for looking after both the kids for 1hr in the morning, and less than 3hrs in the evenings for 4 days a week

    but it looks like i'll apply in june, and hopefully she be here for the summer hols or i'll have to pay about £1,400 for Aug

  22. #172
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    and also this is my forum, treat it as if you are in my home ..... that's with respect if you can't figure it out.
    And that's why people have a problem with certain Muslims as illustrated in this thread because there's a lack of respect for this country's traditions and it's people. Nothing to do with race.

    Now, can you kindly change the colour scheme of this forum as it's offensive towards my religion!

  23. #173
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Oh Arthur What did you mean by me being Ded's fag? I hope its not slang for Bitch? No I never read the book Even the famous 5. Rather read General McArthur.
    ... nothing like that! It's many years since I read the novel, 'Tom Brown's Schooldays' but, basically, the story revolves around mid 19th century life at one of the famous English Public Schools for Boys - Rugby, in Warwickshire - where newcomer, 11 year-old Tom is singled out by Flashman, the Head Boy/Prefect - and a notorious bully - to be the latter's runaround.

    In the latest edition of Chambers' Dictionary, the word 'fag' - apart from being slang for cigarette - is defined as "a schoolboy [or servant] who carries out menial or tiresome tasks for another ... senior lad.

    Now of course, that is NOT to say that either you or Dedworth fit the bill as role models for the fictional characters mentioned above. It was simply my of "a little" in response to Fred's mention of the well-known book ... and, not least, a light-hearted attempt to dispel the doom and gloom that the bickering on this thread has provoked.

  24. #174
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    Joe, imagine paying that in tax and some more each month, then read the papers to see where its going. You are right The media are solely responsible for all this hatred, not on this thread! I add. Its up to us to weed out the rubbish. It our responsiblity to read watch and learn the ways of this world to get a balanced view. You cant shut yourself off. Its here whether they like these sorts of threads or not. This is not the first time this has been raised on here and it wont be the last. No one is being insulting its just good old straight talking. You only got to look at the views and post numbers on this thread If it was so boring as one member stated This thread would of disappeared off the scale like many of theirs ages ago.

  25. #175
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Imagine I thought you going to Phil on the 17th I hope all is ok ?
    hi gWaPito, that was my trip to israel to visit my lady, a problem came up and i had to cancel my flight, but possibly israel may be back on soon, its to be discused as yet, and will only be for the one week instead of 2,after that brenda is returning to phil, i cant go with her just yet , as i am still making my house fit to rent,plus i have now a hospital examination id like to get done,(the cheemo set off a possible bowel problem) fingers xd will be ok, i also have oncoligy appointment, on 9th march,when i can ask for treatment records ect to take to phil, just incase, was at ongoligy 2 weeks ago, says everything good and doesnt forsee any problems of cancer returning

  26. #176
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    we really need her aunt here april/may as we will have to start paying the childminder near £600a month, for looking after both the kids for 1hr in the morning, and less than 3hrs in the evenings for 4 days a week

    but it looks like i'll apply in june, and hopefully she be here for the summer hols or i'll have to pay about £1,400 for Aug
    wow joebloggs thatssss expensiivvve

  27. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i dont know what everyone is arguing about , i'm sure we all agree those that preach hate should be brought to justice or kicked out if their not brits and not every muslim is a terrorist

    anyway all this is , its friday afternoon and in 2 1/2hrs time, i'll be off home to see little joe , and while i'm with him i'll forget about all the i've been thru and whats coming up in the wks head, aposhark do the same, becuase you've better things to be doing at home
    I can manage my own time quite well thanks Joe

  28. #178
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    Arthur I knew you men't no harm! How can you? Your Arthur Our gentleman Arthur Arthur It would of peter'd out, you know this We been here before. No one was arguing Just putting the worlds to rights. Ill be honest I of the wife didnt get offended by any of it. Because none of it was offensive. Some want to grow bigger shoulders or Like you be measured in your critique A few could learn from you Arthur

  29. #179
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I can manage my own time quite well thanks Joe
    i meant why waste your time with people when you could be spending that time with your wife and daughter , kids grow up quick, and one thing you cant get back is time

    take it easy ex-neighbor

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i meant why waste your time with people when you could be spending that time with your wife and daughter , kids grow up quick, and one thing you cant get back is time

    take it easy ex-neighbor
    Sorry Joe, perhaps I was a little quick with my reply, I apologize.

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