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Thread: Lessons In Hatred And Violence - CH 4 Tonight 8pm

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Apo I been reading your Apple thread with interest. Its been good reading, dont you agree? The contributions from the ladies are quite impressive, dont you agree? At a guess I would say they are Catholic's, dont you agree? Yet you put down there faith, claiming they preached too much, while neglecting there a b c's (reference post 200) dont you think that is offending all who is Catholic? Yet, you speak up on behalf of the Muslims. Im puzzled Apo I really am

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Apo I been reading your Apple thread with interest. Its been good reading, dont you agree? The contributions from the ladies are quite impressive, dont you agree? At a guess I would say they are Catholic's, dont you agree? Yet you put down there faith, claiming they preached too much, while neglecting there a b c's (reference post 200) dont you think that is offending all who is Catholic? Yet, you speak up on behalf of the Muslims. Im puzzled Apo I really am
    You're puzzled?

    Read my post 183 on this thread.........

    Gwap, there are many atheists on this forum as there are in the UK, it is just a fact of life.
    Don't be too puzzled with facts of life.
    In the "Life In The UK Test" it reiterates that only 10% of the UK population say they go to religious services.
    Catholics in the UK are putting down their own faith by "voting with their feet"

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Really..... is there a point in you two bitching ? I dont need an answer, just think about it.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
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    Thank you mod for your contribution very constructive Cheers. Im missing my mates Ded Les and Graham im sure they would have more to say on this subject. I would also wish a member of the Catholic community would speak up in defence. Apo is happy now, his competition has gone. Apo You are now the big fish in a small pond again. I dare say you will be in your element now. Better go now before teacher starts waving his stick at us for being naughty boys Gosh Give me strength

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the message.i agree with all you said. Im unable to reply in the same manner This blessed phone wont let me. Would be good if I could give you my Email. I wonder if our leader could pass it on to you. No, the message was not from Apo! From the opposite camp.

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