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Thread: Lessons In Hatred And Violence - CH 4 Tonight 8pm

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  1. #1
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    Simon, its a thread Not a chat room. Like yourself and many others felt for some reason uneasy so, thought best to give it a wide berth. Unlike others who didnt like but still had to have a moan about it. Simon My wife is from the Phil, she was far from offended. Perhaps the program in question didnt do race relations a favour either. What Ded was high lighting was cruelty to children. For the life of me, I cant understand why a few found it distasteful. I know many posters and viewers didnt. Yes It was I who mentioned the rivers of blood but, many agreed. This is nothing what so ever to do with our wives. This is to do with people who refuse to be a part of British society, yet want all the benefits. You say Simon, all it is, is going round in circles, isn't it what its all about? Chewing the cud and all that? Doesn't the chat go around in circles in most of those threads? Nothing wrong in that Simon. Its what us men do. I, for one dont go on threads I dislike and pipe up the words 'this boring' then disappear. like you, you didnt like so you stayed away. Off Topic a wee bit. When the word Handwringer gets mentioned, it makes me smile, it reminds me of Les Dawson playing the washer women.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Simon, its a thread Not a chat room. Like yourself and many others felt for some reason uneasy so, thought best to give it a wide berth. Unlike others who didnt like but still had to have a moan about it. Simon My wife is from the Phil, she was far from offended. Perhaps the program in question didnt do race relations a favour either. What Ded was high lighting was cruelty to children. For the life of me, I cant understand why a few found it distasteful. I know many posters and viewers didnt. Yes It was I who mentioned the rivers of blood but, many agreed. This is nothing what so ever to do with our wives. This is to do with people who refuse to be a part of British society, yet want all the benefits. You say Simon, all it is, is going round in circles, isn't it what its all about? Chewing the cud and all that? Doesn't the chat go around in circles in most of those threads? Nothing wrong in that Simon. Its what us men do. I, for one dont go on threads I dislike and pipe up the words 'this boring' then disappear. like you, you didnt like so you stayed away. Off Topic a wee bit. When the word Handwringer gets mentioned, it makes me smile, it reminds me of Les Dawson playing the washer women.
    Gwap I know you are married to a Filipina, so am I...we are the converted, but this 'general theme' has racist undertones (no I'm not calling anyone here a racist)...You even said the same in another thread & then the next day backed down, saying you must have lost your sense of humour.

    Immigration is a touchy subject in this country & I don't like putting fuel on the fire, with dominant threads like this...Remember there are many out there, who aren't as tolerant as us & would like to see zero immigration & are vocal about it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Simon, its a thread Not a chat room. Like yourself and many others felt for some reason uneasy so, thought best to give it a wide berth. Unlike others who didnt like but still had to have a moan about it. Simon My wife is from the Phil, she was far from offended. Perhaps the program in question didnt do race relations a favour either. What Ded was high lighting was cruelty to children. For the life of me, I cant understand why a few found it distasteful. I know many posters and viewers didnt. Yes It was I who mentioned the rivers of blood but, many agreed. This is nothing what so ever to do with our wives. This is to do with people who refuse to be a part of British society, yet want all the benefits. You say Simon, all it is, is going round in circles, isn't it what its all about? Chewing the cud and all that? Doesn't the chat go around in circles in most of those threads? Nothing wrong in that Simon. Its what us men do. I, for one dont go on threads I dislike and pipe up the words 'this boring' then disappear. like you, you didnt like so you stayed away. Off Topic a wee bit. When the word Handwringer gets mentioned, it makes me smile, it reminds me of Les Dawson playing the washer women.
    No you didn't Gwap, it was lestaxi1 in post #5
    It lost Powell his job back then and I still cannot understand how that phrase could be used after watching one TV programme.
    I think if lestaxi1 was to go to work and say that phrase where his Asian co-workers are, his feet would not touch and he would be given his P45
    There are very strict laws in our workplace that discipline people for comments that could hurt other people if someone was to say something like that.
    Even on a forum like this, it does not help to post what everyone knows is a phrase that is racist in the extreme.

    Being patriotic and supporting our soldiers is a totally different thing.
    Even some soldiers wonder about the validity of our forces being in Afghanistan, as they did in Iraq.
    There were marches all over the country trying to stop the war in Iraq, and they had no effect in the end.

    Many of us have foreign wives and fiancees, where do people draw the line on racism?
    Does this line stop at Asians? Does it include black people? What about Chinese? Racism should be kicked out in all its forms and innuendos.

    I think Lestaxi1 and Dedworth should both have a good sit down and have a long think about their racist thoughts.
    They both know that in public they will not be able to spout off, they would both be escorted out of the building.

    Meanwhile the rest of the UK society is doing its best to stamp racism out.

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