Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
Thanks Arthur thats a really nice reply.
My problem is once I've gone this far it's hard to turn back,and I have cut of my nose to spite my face in the past
I will just see how I feel in the next few days and keep quiet.
Thanks again for your support.
lestaxi1, We've never really had much communication. But I have always enjoyed your spirit. If there are times I don't agree, that's fine, that's life.
Carina always tells me about the spice of life.
Please reconsider. Yep sleep on it if you must. But I really understand how being part of this little on-line community can become something important in your life.
C'mon lestaxi1 you know it makes sense. This is cyberspace. After a few days all is back to normal.

I'm looking forward to the pop quiz mate