Quote Originally Posted by Jimbojac View Post
Know the feeling chaps!
Luckily i am self -employed and my hours are very flexible so i can talk every-day and see her online but for sure living like a hermit, watching every penny.
Waiting for that magical time in a few weeks when i start to look at the best flight deals on the net..................
For now its work, stay in, work stay in...................
Soon to be back with the honey in paradise, sure as hell beats all this wind and rain and an empty bed!
Thats the greatest feeling when you know you will seeing your mahal soon! I bet you are looking forward to it! Have a great time out there Jimbojac!!

I'm in a catch 22 situation, go see mahal or wait longer to apply for the visa. Though i know I maybe able to stop the loneliness for 3 weeks by visiting mahal in phils but won't be the same as having mahal here always.