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Thread: OUR BEACH WEDDING may 2,2011

  1. #1
    Facebook Newbie (Moderated Posts)
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    OUR BEACH WEDDING may 2,2011

    Before we had our civil marriage in 2010, there were loads of life challenges that we went through.I came from a fake marriage with two girls and my husband was a sought after bachelor with a blossoming career.Love will always lead you to the right person for LOVE never questions who you are, where you are from.What matters is that we find love at the right time.After our civil marriage, I gave birth to our son Isaac William right after PRINCE WILLIAM's birthday.It was indeed a marriage meant to be.Last May 2, 2011 we were blessed in the beautiful virgin island of CALAGUAS in Camarines Norte, Bicol to officially say our vows to each other in front of our family and friends.It was the best moment in my life as I have always dream of finding my ONE and now this dream has come to a reality.Hope you find inspiration with my short story.Enjoy the picture!

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Your FB album isn't set for public viewing so it won't share the pic.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasmin johnson View Post
    Before we had our civil marriage in 2010, there were loads of life challenges that we went through.I came from a fake marriage with two girls and my husband was a sought after bachelor with a blossoming career.Love will always lead you to the right person for LOVE never questions who you are, where you are from.What matters is that we find love at the right time.After our civil marriage, I gave birth to our son Isaac William right after PRINCE WILLIAM's birthday.It was indeed a marriage meant to be.Last May 2, 2011 we were blessed in the beautiful virgin island of CALAGUAS in Camarines Norte, Bicol to officially say our vows to each other in front of our family and friends. It was the best moment in my life as I have always dream of finding my ONE and now this dream has come to a reality. Hope you find inspiration with my short story.Enjoy the picture!
    Lovely, heartwarming story, Jasmin ... for sharing it here, and to our friendly, online filipino/uk community.

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