Just wondering if you applied for a tourist visa and it was refused how long must you wait before you can re-apply?

Reason I ask is that possibly my gf will apply for the tourist visa in the Philippines (she is desperate to go home) even though she is a permanent resident in Australia. She is currently married although seperated within Australia.

Aside from this do you think her chances would be greatly increased by applying within Australia rather than the Philippines? We may possibly be able to obtain for her a letter of employment to show that after the 6 months when she would leave the UK that their will be a job awaiting for her back in Australia.

She has already used a 1 month tourist visa back in june 2009 for the UK but we both will only be able to submit bank statements covering 1-2 month period.

We both will be able to show savings of around £2500 each totaling around £5000-£5500.