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Thread: Fiancée Visa Application – Cover Letter Example

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Fiancée Visa Application – Cover Letter Example

    When you apply for a Fiancée Visa you need to include a very detailed cover letter, you cannot supply too much information in this letter, but when it comes to the additional documents do not supply endless pages of chat. The letter should contain at least 500 words. These are additional documents that the official form does not request but will help your application.

    Answer the following questions, not necessarily in order, and write the answer from the heart, not as though it is a test!

    · Describe the history of your relationship going back to the first time you knew of each other, and supply proof of this if possible (screen prints/logs).

    · Mention details of your courtship? IE. How many times you contact each other, etc..

    · How did you come into first contact with your fiancée?

    · Describe the nature of relationship?

    · Why did you pick your fiancée?

    · What attributes, features do you find most attractive in this person?

    · Explain you current employment/salary/savings.

    · Mention your education.

    · Mention your family, what they do, finances. IE. Houses owned. Who works, etc.

    · What are your plans for the future with your fiancée?

    · What are your plans for the wedding ceremony/ honeymoon?

    · What are your plans for living together?

    · Where do you plan to live when you are married? – Kind of house, where, buy/rent location and so on. It is usually good to supply a letter from the landlord saying it is OK.

    · What do you expect to happen within the first year of marriage?

    · What do you expect to happen after a few years of marriage?

    · After marriage, do you have plans about work?

    · Are you planning a family?

    · Do you have plans for vacations together?

    · What plans do you have for social, hobbies, educational interests?

    Then in addition to this letter, provide supporting documents, such as:

    Photos of the couple together – About 10-20 is enough. Photos in front of recognisable landmarks in the Philippines are best.
    Travel Itineraries of visits.
    Passport Visa Stamps from the UK resident. You can have copies stamped by a solicitor if you wish to give them authenticity.
    Telephone Bills. These can be landline, mobile, Skype, etc.
    Copies of Emails/Letters/IM's/FB.... Logs Only, although you can include a couple of chats, although you do not need to supply the actual chat, and not all logs if you have loads, just samples from each month.
    Flight/Hotel Receipts
    Engagement Ring Receipt/Pictures

    ..... Anything else you can think of that may help.

    The objective is to fully dispel any doubt that the reviewer may have that the relationship is genuine. Once convinced that the relationship is real, the petition should move along smoothly.

    You can also use this as a guide for a Spouse Visa, and sponsors letter.
    Last edited by KeithD; 21st February 2011 at 09:59.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    this gives a lot of information usefull for the apllicants like me thnks win2win your a wninner

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i wish i had this many many months ago, a very good thread

  4. #4
    Facebook Newbie (Moderated Posts) pedro4 nikki's Avatar
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    thanx was very useful

  5. #5
    Member kallen's Avatar
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    hi is it ok if i didn't include the P60 of my fiance on my application...he is retired already..... he just email me all his bank statements, investment and the way is it ok also if all the documents of my fiance are sent through email only?...hope you can help me...thanks

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Documents have to be ORIGINAL. Use DHL.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Member kallen's Avatar
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    all the documents that i submit are all sent through emails...coz before when i applied for my visit visa...all the documents that i submit from my fiance are all sent through emails also...i hope this will not be a problem with my application as i already submit my application yesterday...

  8. #8
    Member Mr Pickwick's Avatar
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    Very Informative. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    When you apply for a Fiancée Visa you need to include a very detailed cover letter, you cannot supply too much information in this letter, but when it comes to the additional documents do not supply endless pages of chat. The letter should contain at least 500 words. These are additional documents that the official form does not request but will help your application.

    Answer the following questions, not necessarily in order, and write the answer from the heart, not as though it is a test!

    · Describe the history of your relationship going back to the first time you knew of each other, and supply proof of this if possible (screen prints/logs).

    · Mention details of your courtship? IE. How many times you contact each other, etc..

    · How did you come into first contact with your fiancée?

    · Describe the nature of relationship?

    · Why did you pick your fiancée?

    · What attributes, features do you find most attractive in this person?

    · Explain you current employment/salary/savings.

    · Mention your education.

    · Mention your family, what they do, finances. IE. Houses owned. Who works, etc.

    · What are your plans for the future with your fiancée?

    · What are your plans for the wedding ceremony/ honeymoon?

    · What are your plans for living together?

    · Where do you plan to live when you are married? – Kind of house, where, buy/rent location and so on. It is usually good to supply a letter from the landlord saying it is OK.

    · What do you expect to happen within the first year of marriage?

    · What do you expect to happen after a few years of marriage?

    · After marriage, do you have plans about work?

    · Are you planning a family?

    · Do you have plans for vacations together?

    · What plans do you have for social, hobbies, educational interests?

    Then in addition to this letter, provide supporting documents, such as:

    Photos of the couple together – About 10-20 is enough. Photos in front of recognisable landmarks in the Philippines are best.
    Travel Itineraries of visits.
    Passport Visa Stamps from the UK resident. You can have copies stamped by a solicitor if you wish to give them authenticity.
    Telephone Bills. These can be landline, mobile, Skype, etc.
    Copies of Emails/Letters/IM's/FB.... Logs Only, although you can include a couple of chats, although you do not need to supply the actual chat, and not all logs if you have loads, just samples from each month.
    Flight/Hotel Receipts
    Engagement Ring Receipt/Pictures

    ..... Anything else you can think of that may help.

    The objective is to fully dispel any doubt that the reviewer may have that the relationship is genuine. Once convinced that the relationship is real, the petition should move along smoothly.

    You can also use this as a guide for a Spouse Visa, and sponsors letter.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Arjie's Avatar
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    Hi Everyone,

    Some advice please.

    Is the cover letter joint or from the sponsor only?

    Thank you,

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arjie View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    Some advice please.

    Is the cover letter joint or from the sponsor only?

    Thank you,

    I wrote ours and signed it and my wife also signed it.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Arjie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I wrote ours and signed it and my wife also signed it.
    Thank you so much lastid..
    Life is short, live it.
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  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Very thanks

  13. #13
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    Excellent post many thanks for sharing this . I had not got a clue to be honest what to put in a covering letter as ours will be for spouse visa but that has helped a great deal .

  14. #14
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    thanks for the info

    Hi im maria and im here in the philippines now. My husband and i are preparing the proofs for my spouse visa application. This website is really helping me out. Just reading the forums and threads really helps me a lot.Thanks and more power to the admin and members.

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