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    Does anyone on here use an Apple computer?

    I have just had my socks blown off and my skirt blown up by an Apple demo at Curry's in Coventry.

    I have been resisting them for years but feel they have me in their sights now

    You can dual-boot with Windows too.

    Stunning and the extra cost seems worth it to me

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    do you wear a skirt when shopping, and whats the cost

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    do you wear a skirt when shopping, and whats the cost
    cost of what?

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post

    Does anyone on here use an Apple computer?

    Stunning and the extra cost seems worth it to me
    Indeed ... an "Apple" a day, keeps the [computer] bugs at bay!

  5. #5
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    Which one do you have, Arthur?

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post

    You can dual-boot with Windows too.

    Stunning and the extra cost seems worth it to me
    APPLE...the price is stunning and outstanding as well
    my ACER net book can dual boot as well..and my hubby got it for £200
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    cost of what?
    the apple

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Which one do you have, Arthur?
    ... Microsoft Windows Vista 'FLATRON L194WS'; being something of a "luddite", though, I'm none the wiser!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    the apple
    I thought you were asking about the costs of offers related to the skirt I was wearing

    Approx £1000 for the Apple.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... Microsoft Windows Vista 'FLATRON L194WS'; being something of a "luddite", though, I'm none the wiser!
    I think that 'FLATRON L194WS' is a part in the CERN Large Hadron Collider
    You really are a dark horse, Arthur

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    APPLE...the price is stunning and outstanding as well
    my ACER net book can dual boot as well..and my hubby got it for £200
    I agree there on point one, and point two looks like a bargain

  12. #12
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    APPLE...the price is stunning and outstanding as well
    my ACER net book can dual boot as well..and my hubby got it for £200
    I have an Acer laptop too Mari, great specs and costs around £400...

    I used to be attracted to an Apple laptop, with it's sleek design and all that...but the price is just not worth it...with the price like that, I can get 2 or even 3 laptops with the same quality or even better as that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I have an Acer laptop too Mari, great specs and costs around £400...

    I used to be attracted to an Apple laptop, with it's sleek design and all that...but the price is just not worth it...with the price like that, I can get 2 or even 3 laptops with the same quality or even better as that.
    One thing I found out today (which I should have known a long time ago) was that the Apple OS is based on UNIX, so if one thing starts mis-behaving, it will not cause the house of cards to fall down as is frequent in my experience, not matter how much RAM is on the Windows machine.

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    My Nokia 86 can dual boot, when its not corrupted. Nothing fancy there Standard fare of most pc's and smart phones.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I have an Acer laptop too Mari, great specs and costs around £400...

    Yours is better Raynagirl,..I left my ACER big one in the PH, the specs of my ACER aspire one netbook is not as brilliant but it does the job..has a normal 1.66 GHz and the big ones has got dual processor etc and more ram and better graphics card...
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  16. #16
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    One thing I found out today (which I should have known a long time ago) was that the Apple OS is based on UNIX, so if one thing starts mis-behaving, it will not cause the house of cards to fall down as is frequent in my experience, not matter how much RAM is on the Windows machine.
    I guess all computers can be dual-booted or modified as Linux is built from on the same platform as UNIX
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  17. #17
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    If I had the choice I would get the Apple. My son swears by them. I know other pc's can do the job at a much cheaper price but, its like saying, I'd prefer to have 3 Hyundai's rather than a top of the range BMW 7 Series. Thats the difference. You seem to spend a lot of time on it Apo. Just as well get the best

  18. #18
    Respected Member Farmerg's Avatar
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    Apple now have a App store for there desktop & laptops, they claim to have over a thousand apps available.

  19. #19
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Apple's OS is closed and all apps have to be vetted by apple which gives stringent quality control but also limits creativity where as linux is an open system and lets the users chose which apps are best, so just go to Apple store and see how many apps are there then see how many apps are available for linux??

    at the end of the day..''Each to their own'' they say..Have fun playing with your Apple Apo
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Apple's OS is closed and all apps have to be vetted by apple which gives stringent quality control but also limits creativity where as linux is an open system and lets the users chose which apps are best, so just go to Apple store and see how many apps are there then see how many apps are available for linux??

    at the end of the day..''Each to their own'' they say..Have fun playing with your Apple Apo
    Hi sars_notd_virus, I didn't type that I had an Apple yet, but I think I will get one soon.....

    It was so fast to watch the demo today, it was like the same excitement I felt when I got my first pc laptop in the 80s (Hard drive 40 MB, mono screen etc)
    She even brought up about 50 web pages and it was still stable

    These things are all personal choice, but I cannot understand why I didn't investigate this earlier. It used to seem to me that graphics peeps had Apples and everyone else had Windows.
    Most businesses run Windows, but with dual boot Apple OS and Win 7, it looks good.
    Design elements are amazing too.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Farmerg's Avatar
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    There's an advantage to apple having a closed system, reliability.
    Because Apple vet all the apps you get a lot less problems with crashing & software clashes.
    I changed from widows xp to windows 7 about six months ago and I have found it a massive improvement, I have had vista but I bought a copy of xp after five weeks of constant problems. Microsoft shot themselves in the foot big time with vista but they got it right with windows 7.

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    Just my personal opinion, but I do like apple products. They're sleek, smooth and super sexy. Lots of sensual feely touchy attractions.

    On the pure 'mechanics' of performance and leading edge technology I can easily find better PC's for much less cost. (eg Sony)
    Yeah, thats the problem with engineers.
    Just my own opinion.
    No Offence

  23. #23
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    Apples great in the Home but not so good when they get on to bigger networks from what I have seen and experienced. But I doubt that's a worry to you Apo

    As they are "closed" don't expect especially while under warranty to have the chance to upgrade and fiddle as much as you can with a typical PC. But many prefer to leave as is anyway even if a PC so no great worry to most..

    Do make sure what programs you use are available for most people that's not an issue for many now.

    If its user friendliness you want then Apple is great but do check what PC you can get for the same money.

    I know some have come back to PC's now Windows 7 is with us for various reasons but most of them are those who like to fiddle more with their puters

    Also do make sure you have AV so often Linux and Mac users dont realise they are passing on Viruses which only affect PC's. Malware is now starting to affect Apples so be aware and careful
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Apples great in the Home but not so good when they get on to bigger networks from what I have seen and experienced. But I doubt that's a worry to you Apo

    As they are "closed" don't expect especially while under warranty to have the chance to upgrade and fiddle as much as you can with a typical PC. But many prefer to leave as is anyway even if a PC so no great worry to most..

    Do make sure what programs you use are available for most people that's not an issue for many now.

    If its user friendliness you want then Apple is great but do check what PC you can get for the same money.

    I know some have come back to PC's now Windows 7 is with us for various reasons but most of them are those who like to fiddle more with their puters

    Also do make sure you have AV so often Linux and Mac users dont realise they are passing on Viruses which only affect PC's. Malware is now starting to affect Apples so be aware and careful
    Thanks for the reply somebody
    The demo blew me away, but I am a tech (used to build pc desktops before, only for myself mindyou) and I always like to get my fingers dirty.
    I asked if I could swap out the HDD later and was warned about warranty etc.
    I may have to leave my fingers on the keyb only and just enjoy the iMac if and when I get one.
    There are some good Apple forums so I will continue browsing.
    One thing though, the store person told me that trojans/worms/viruses were not a problem with iMacs because of the OS. Is this true?

    Thanks again

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Thanks for the reply somebody
    The demo blew me away, but I am a tech (used to build pc desktops before, only for myself mindyou) and I always like to get my fingers dirty.
    I asked if I could swap out the HDD later and was warned about warranty etc.
    I may have to leave my fingers on the keyb only and just enjoy the iMac if and when I get one.
    There are some good Apple forums so I will continue browsing.
    One thing though, the store person told me that trojans/worms/viruses were not a problem with iMacs because of the OS. Is this true?

    Thanks again
    Sorry for the late reply Sir.

    Malware is on the up with Apples for a number of reasons but normally far far safer than MS Windows as a rule.

    I would advise you have anti virus protection and keep the OS updated etc

    The percentage of apple devices out there is increasing and the type of nerds who write malware are not all happy with Apple both reasons why apple in the past as well as the design of the OS (which the newer Windows ie Vista and 7 mimic to a degree) helped stopped the spread of malware.

    The new OS is out very soon so see what can be done about updates with the device you get.

    If you like apple but dont need to be quite at the cutting edge of course that means often the older stock which is perfectly good maybe a little cheaper

    Nothing wrong at all with Apple but be advised if you like to fiddle unless your well off they are not the devices for you as a rule.

    For example we have many Apples at work which are rarely updated physically so have to be sidelined and updated as new OS versions come out eventually. While many older PC's are basically "Triggers broom" with nearly everything changed in them and allowed them to keep up with what is needed of them for a little longer..

    Also if the PC will end up in Pinas as much of fellow users Tech equipment does will the apple be useful there in 3/4/5 years???

    If you need any assistance or info on Apples just ask and I can enquire with our Apple Gurus at work.

    PS a word about Apple marketing they take features which are sometimes brand new and some not so Brand new and hype them as amazing.
    If you compare what is available elsewhere often you will go oh is that all. But that's what Apple do package things well whether it is unique and well designed or simply a function you would expect on a standard Device of its field.

    All I say is make sure you stand back and see though the hype and see the facts.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    I guess all computers can be dual-booted or modified as Linux is built from on the same platform as UNIX
    No it is not built on the same platform, Linux was a "from the ground up" rewrite of a Unix Kernal by Linus Torvalds he did it as a personal project and released it free to the world to upgrade, it was such a good implementation of the ideals of Unix that it won great favour amongst the developer community.

    Few people remember that Unix in those days (I mean the early 1990's) was extremely fragmented, there were many implementations including extremely cheap versions like Coherent and even Sco Unix could be got for acceptable money. IBM AIX was another matter and IBM were big with the IBM AS400 OS as an alternative midrange OS (somewhere between the mainframe and micro) in those days.

    Linux is impressive, personally I make a living from Windows (wind woes ) and Windows 7 is a very advanced OS and a big big improvement on Vista, personally my view is that you have to treat W7 really badly to get a big mess or disaster on your hands now, still happens but it's rare, it's a good OS.

    Linux is not immune from disasters either but at least it's free for many good distros

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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Apples great in the Home but not so good when they get on to bigger networks from what I have seen and experienced. But I doubt that's a worry to you Apo
    Yep add to "home" the design specialists, the arty types, many photographers and yes the Apple platform gives them what they want they way they want it.

    It's good!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Yep add to "home" the design specialists, the arty types, many photographers and yes the Apple platform gives them what they want they way they want it.

    It's good!
    True I forget to mention the Graphic departments and meddiiiaaa types

    But not impressed by Apples networking capabilites on a large scale but hardly what apo is gonna worry about

    The new apples do away with disc's it seems the appstore marches on... Again some people like the way the apple eco system is heading while others may find it not to their taste
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    No it is not built on the same platform, Linux was a "from the ground up" rewrite of a Unix Kernal by Linus Torvalds he did it as a personal project and released it free to the world to upgrade, it was such a good implementation of the ideals of Unix that it won great favour amongst the developer community.

    Few people remember that Unix in those days (I mean the early 1990's) was extremely fragmented, there were many implementations including extremely cheap versions like Coherent and even Sco Unix could be got for acceptable money. IBM AIX was another matter and IBM were big with the IBM AS400 OS as an alternative midrange OS (somewhere between the mainframe and micro) in those days.

    Linux is impressive, personally I make a living from Windows (wind woes ) and Windows 7 is a very advanced OS and a big big improvement on Vista, personally my view is that you have to treat W7 really badly to get a big mess or disaster on your hands now, still happens but it's rare, it's a good OS.

    Linux is not immune from disasters either but at least it's free for many good distros
    I know many open sources fans who are almost miffed with how good windows 7 is

    Also noticed that many are starting to will ms on agaisnt the former idols of many techies apple and google who have kind of become ms like monsters themsleves
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    Hi somebody

    Thanks for the reply, I may ask you something at a later date but we are house-hunting and will see how the money looks in a few months.

    I was amazed at how easily the demo lady merged video clips, stills, music into a larger format which could be burnt to dvd for family members.
    She also brought up 50 web pages and it didn't crash.

    I don't think Windows 7 could do this with the same amount of RAM.

    Thanks again.

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