Apples great in the Home but not so good when they get on to bigger networks from what I have seen and experienced. But I doubt that's a worry to you Apo

As they are "closed" don't expect especially while under warranty to have the chance to upgrade and fiddle as much as you can with a typical PC. But many prefer to leave as is anyway even if a PC so no great worry to most..

Do make sure what programs you use are available for most people that's not an issue for many now.

If its user friendliness you want then Apple is great but do check what PC you can get for the same money.

I know some have come back to PC's now Windows 7 is with us for various reasons but most of them are those who like to fiddle more with their puters

Also do make sure you have AV so often Linux and Mac users dont realise they are passing on Viruses which only affect PC's. Malware is now starting to affect Apples so be aware and careful