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Thread: Dying in Britain CH4 Dispatches

  1. #1
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    Dying in Britain CH4 Dispatches

    Documentary showing next Monday, 28 Feb Ch4 at 20hrs. Highlighting the failings of the British health Service. Worth noting in your diaries. Made with the help of secret cameras, etc.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    watching this could be the final nail in the coffin

  3. #3
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    You're a brave man gWaPito starting a thread about a Despatches programme I'll try to watch it

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    watching this could be the final nail in the coffin
    your dead right

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Overall the NHS is good for the majority of people. Every health service around the world has bad in it. I think over 7,000 people in the US died last year solely due to medication errors, and nearly 200,000 in all.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
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    Health issues should concern us all - that's why there is a separate section on the forum. Despite this, the last thread on the topic of Channel 4 Dispatches ("Lessons in Hatred and Violence...") attracted roughly twice as many views and replies as all the Health Issue threads combined.
    Preparing threads such as "Filipino UK Health" takes an enormous effort. To explain the NHS and the radical reforms planned for it under the "Health and Social Care Bill" would take similar effort. It would also need to be of interest to our filipino friends on the forum. A CH 4 documentary would not be my main source of information.
    This latest CH 4 "Dispatches" thread posted in the "Loose Talk, Chat & Off Topic" section may well attract posts. But I hope those who contribute also read the "Health Issues" section. They may even have something helpful and positive to say about "Filipino UK Health" issues.

  7. #7
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    Going by the preview I saw, its based on nursing staff abusing patients, proven by hidden camara's. Mainly its the patients without a voice, elderly people without any loved ones, discarded by there families, in some cases. Can you imagine the Filipino's treating there elders in such a disrespectful way? I cant. Yes Britain is a good place to live, according to a well known travel magazine, London is 42nd most favored city in the world to live with Manchester coming 43rd With citys in Canada and Oz coming 1st and 2nd. It does not detract from the fact that the UK treat there elderly in the most awful ways . Simon, i was unable to reply to your post, the thread was closed. Yes I did back track on my comment to Ded's joke. I realised I was being too sensitive, to the point of sounding stupid. I dont even look upon my wife being coloured! We are the same, we dont even notice the age difference. Im glad you mentioned it Simon, others must of been thinking the same. Jane had her 4 d scan last night, amazing or what!

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Going by the preview I saw, its based on nursing staff abusing patients, proven by hidden camara's. Mainly its the patients without a voice, elderly people without any loved ones, discarded by there families, in some cases. Can you imagine the Filipino's treating there elders in such a disrespectful way? I cant.
    I can gwapito, because Filipinos like Brits, Canadians and Australians are human beings to

    I wonder if that Manchester is in the UK or USA

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    This goes on in every country though:

    Bill to Protect Elderly - Philippines

    MANILA — Rep. Narciso D. Santiago III has introduced a bill that aims to protect old women from institutional, community and domestic and sexual assault.

    The measure, or the Older Filipinos Protection from Violence Act, seeks to address cases of elderly abuse, neglect and exploitation, including domestic violence and sexual assault against older or disabled individuals.

    Santiago said recent studies show that elderly abuse is severely underreported.
    Elderly abuse, he added, takes on many forms, varying from physical abuse to sexual abuse and psychological abuse to financial exploitation.

    “Some of the abused parties fail to report abuse because of shame, privacy concerns or as a result
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
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    Yes Joe, it is Manchester UK Much to my suprise too. So You say all human beings are the same, no matter what colour or creed. I beg to differ. I cant see many Filipino families kicking there grandfather out of his home and feeding him to the wolves! Or even selling his home for good measure. I once knew someone who worked as a carer. The awful things I would be told about these uncaring souls. Even my own cousins sold my uncles home then put him in a nursing home and his wife in another! These 2 cousins in question went to uni to study some far out subject, needless to say, they never worked, either of them and not likely too, both are in there 40's. I remember my uncle being so proud of them all those years ago. Joe, you honestly believe this goes on in The Phil as much as it goes on here, I dont think so Its a well known fact that the Phil respect there elders.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes i do, i know from personal experience of here in the UK and in the phils, funny you should mention sellings someones home , I'm trying to stop someone from doing just that. just look at how a small number of filipina's have conned members on here, and you think they wouldn't con their family?, but most are honest and decent thou

  12. #12
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    If thats the case, we got that to look forward to. As the song goes, whats it all about, Alfie. A sad world we live in. I For one, couldn't of treated any of my family like that.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well as i always say, its easy to spend ( and waste) someone elses hard earned money

    yes it is a sad world, but with some filipinos working long hard hours for a few 100php a day, some are tempted by easier means of getting money

  14. #14
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    Yes Joe, much to my cost, I know too well about that the upside being, every cloud has a silver lining

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Yes Joe, it is Manchester UK Much to my suprise too. So You say all human beings are the same, no matter what colour or creed. I beg to differ. I cant see many Filipino families kicking there grandfather out of his home and feeding him to the wolves! Or even selling his home for good measure. I once knew someone who worked as a carer. The awful things I would be told about these uncaring souls. Even my own cousins sold my uncles home then put him in a nursing home and his wife in another! These 2 cousins in question went to uni to study some far out subject, needless to say, they never worked, either of them and not likely too, both are in there 40's. I remember my uncle being so proud of them all those years ago. Joe, you honestly believe this goes on in The Phil as much as it goes on here, I dont think so Its a well known fact that the Phil respect there elders.
    My partners uncle and auntie, Uncle Boni in his late 70's and Auntie Maria :-



    Kind old couple, they had taken in a relatives boy after he was orphaned when they were already in their 60's, this boy was the bane of their lives, caused them no end of trouble until finally two years ago he burned down their home by his careless behaviour (smoking) they are now beggars and we can't help!

    This boy showed little respect and returned little if any of their kindness in the 10 years or more that they cared for him. They had many more troubles before the house got burned down, this boy was just a disaster for them but they gave everything to care for him.

    Boni is the last of Ana's fathers family, Edwardo died the other year and Ana's tatay died 6 years ago, Boni and Maria are left homeless now with no source of income when they used to have a little sari sari store at the front of their property.

    I have a picture of Michael (the boy) as well but I don't currently have it online.

    It's not all sweetness and light but in general I would agrre with you Gwap they have a better attitude than we currently appear to have.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well as i always say, its easy to spend ( and waste) someone elses hard earned money

    yes it is a sad world, but with some filipinos working long hard hours for a few 100php a day, some are tempted by easier means of getting money
    Too right sir!

  17. #17
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    You have hope then Jim. You think attitudes may change here. Im so optimistic. Nice post Jim, shame its a sad story.

  18. #18
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    watching this could be the final nail in the coffin
    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    your dead right
    ... nice ones guys ... !! A classic example of the quality humour and friendly banter we - as members of this excellent forum - have grown accustomed to and so much enjoy.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You have hope then Jim. You think attitudes may change here. Im so optimistic. Nice post Jim, shame its a sad story.
    Thank you Gwap, not sure it will ever get better in the UK and yes the story I told is a very sad one.

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You have hope then Jim. You think attitudes may change here. Im so optimistic. Nice post Jim, shame its a sad story.
    oh gwapito and Jim i agree with you in a way, that generally the younger filipinos respect their elders more, but abuse is in every country

    Jim imagine if it was their own son

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