Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post

The only good thing there in the 90's used to be the Japanese Supermarket, forget the name now. I suppose things have changed.
I couldn't wait to get out of BSB and back to Kuala Belait which wasn't exciting either and on the West side of the country.
In fact I was in Brunei for over a year all told and I don't have any nice memories really

There were some smaller B&B back then, maybe Bruneicop knows more?
I'm already prepared for it being the dullest place on earth Apo. One of my best friends has been working offshore for a couple of years and has warned me, and Elaine has been there for a month and it's driving her mad already. However, I see it as a good base to explore Borneo and might try to get a week in KK if she can get the time off.