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Hi Jimeve, our association with the orphanage started a few years back in 2006
We had not long bought the house and were having a wall/railings built when one day an old battered jeepney (are there any other types lol) turned up. it was full of kids and the driver asked if they could sing a song or two to entratain us and our workers, these kids brought us to tears and were just so happy to be doing anything to support themselves.
We invited the staff in and chatted, it seems that they 35 kids staying mainly in 3 rooms sleeping on the floor.... they were funded by a christian group of businessmen in Manila and had been going 2 years. We resolved that we wanted to help and the following Sunday at the local boat club where many of the semi/retired ex pats and some wealthier locals frequent for the great lunch/barbecue there I asked the English owner if we could bring the kids there to sing the next sunday
He said yes and the following week they turned up with their home made guitars and their smiles. They just melted everyones heart. A Dutch mate volunteered to provide fuel for the jeepney ongoing, another Kiwi mate offered to provide all the rice they needed, another offered to provide building materials, another provided a pig very month and so it went on. The local chief of police and the mayors son also made pledges of support and the boat club owner is providing swimming lessons and even dinghy sailing.
The community has really gotten behind this one little orphanage (there are many more deserving causes) and I feel deeply connected with there ongoing future. I am fortunate to be in a position to help and I use all my negotiating and influencing powers and skills to GOOD use to persuade my buddies in Puerto to help out. My wife and I derive great personal satisfaction from being able to do something to contribute as we have been blessed in many ways.. perhaps if you ever visit Palawan I can borrow your professional skills to add a bit of colour to the place. you and your honey are most welcome to stop at our place if we are there.