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Thread: Just wanted some Advice!

  1. #31
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    That was quite a very awakening advice Terpe. I would give it a shot...Definitely that is all true.all I have to do is to sit down for a while and talk to him, whenever things go out not right, I will make the courage of letting go..Which the right thing to do.

    You don't know guys how much you really enlighten up my mind, as well as my heart. Reading all your messages makes my heart grow strong..

    To all of you who gave there full support and effort in advising, everything is appreciated from the core of my heart....

    Thank you!!!

  2. #32
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    Hello simpleHeart,

    Be careful with this bloke, he doesn't sound 100% committed and he could easily act like this again.

    Get a full explanation to your liking.

    He appears confused and he needs to un-confuse himself!

  3. #33
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    He appears confused and he needs to un-confuse himself!
    Before its too late for him!!
    Ever seen a grown man cry?
    Im not having a go at this guy as he has his own reasons..
    Just want simpleheart to know what they are because if not it could very well effect the rest of her life..

    Jerremy Kyle.. Eat your heart out..

  4. #34
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Ask him why he broke up with you, if he doesn't explain himself in a caring manner, if he shows no concern for your needs and feelings - DUMP HIM!

    ***One thing I'd like you to know is that when a Brit guy tells his friends that he's dating a Filipina, his friends will say "Oh those girls rip you off, she's going to be more trouble than she's worth etc.." there may be people in his life that are trying to talk him out of's quite typical! It happened to me to some degree, but I'm old enough and ugly enough to know that people are rather manipulative and talk a load of shhhh


    What does shenanigans mean anyway? ? ? Anyone know? hehe
    i agree with nigel...this things happen

    your BF maybe love u but not strong enough to stand for wouldn't want a man like that would you

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    .............Jerremy Kyle.. Eat your heart out..
    I'm gonna have to check this bloke out. I keep seeing his name crop up.

  6. #36
    Respected Member worthingmale's Avatar
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    jeremey kyle

    I promise you will turn it over of turn the tv off in about twenty seconds.

    He is annoying and his guests are unbelievable, the English version of Jerry Springer

  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worthingmale View Post
    He is annoying and his guests are unbelievable, the English version of Jerry Springer
    no he's worse than jerry, jerry

    i'm surprised no one has beaten the out of him, the way he talks to everyone

  8. #38
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Jerry Springer's a cool guy whereas Jeremy Kyle is an odious little runt!

  9. #39
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Hello to all who have show there support!!!
    And to finish it all, as last night we made the decision, Oh and more of it "Mr. Stewart aka imagine"Oh man you know how you let my heart sympathized on your conditions. I really wish you could find the answer that bother you as much.

    I've found out the real answer why he did break me up last time, he wanted me to choose between him and my family, he wanted me to stop thinking of my family anymore and all I have to do is to concentrate on our relationship, this is because I am quite supporting my younger sister which in God's will would be going to get a board exam for mechanical engineer this march,."Oh I pray I lot for her hope she can get it to the top"He told me about stop sending my salary to my family instead to save it for our future, If i can't do that then I will be losing him. Since my mother and my father were old enough we do the support their children.In other words we are being conflict on our cultural views, which is the value of being family oriented, it is not in his vocabulary,...He also talk about the future we may be..That if we got married and something went wrong in this relationship and split up, where should the custody of the children goes or anything like that...

    That was totally crap me up. yes maybe his been too realistic in real world, but in God's could he think that when we are not yet started building our lives. It seems that it is his real view of getting into relationship...

    I know that all maybe Filipino woman would felt insulted..It seems he view a family in general as to be broken in any times....

    I was full of it...I wanted a man that I can I assure will stay forever in my side...And to think of it his totally opposite.. Why such I found out later...Why did he never told me this things before.???I maybe never choose or fall for him....

    It's getting to my nerves already.....
    So I pissed him off!!!!!!!

    Sorry to say it!!!but I feel his not the one I wanted to be with in my life...Totally negative thinking towards in making a family..

    Have your partner do think the same way he did????I wonder????

  10. #40
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpleHeart View Post
    It's getting to my nerves already.....
    So I pissed him off!!!!!!!

    Sorry to say it!!!but I feel his not the one I wanted to be with in my life...Totally negative thinking towards in making a family..
    Good for you for finding out the truth and for dumping him Now move on and Mr. Right will eventually come
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  11. #41
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that but know you are both newly aware of the issues in cross cultural relationships.

    Since neither apparently knew this befor its a no blame situation and I guess on the top of your list in any future relationships its hard when you both come from diferent positions but take so long to realise.

    Best of luck in the future
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  12. #42
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Sorry to hear that but know you are both newly aware of the issues in cross cultural relationships.

    Best of luck in the future
    That's right keithAngel...Life get things harder....And so much for the cultural issues...Hard to handle in such things as much...

  13. #43
    Respected Member alanp's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that Roxanne
    time is a healer it is his loss you will find someone that loves, cares and respects you and deserves your love
    keep your spirits up
    As life is to live so love is to give

  14. #44
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanp View Post
    Sorry to hear that Roxanne
    time is a healer it is his loss you will find someone that loves, cares and respects you and deserves your love
    keep your spirits up
    Thank you alanp, well I guess I must slow down this time...Have to be more careful and to be wise in accepting any love offers...

    Cause even it sounds so corny,..Love really hurts

  15. #45
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    Well I glad to know that you are smart enough and strong enough to hold out for a meaningful ilfe. That's the positive.
    It's a good lesson learned and I believe you have grown from the experience.
    Next time you will at least know some important 'get-to-know-each-other' issues.

    I have a friend who got married and she really wanted a baby. The husband was a bit older and had grown up children already, did not want any more!! The marriage is not
    comfortable...... I asked the wife if they had ever discussed this, she said yes they had but not seriously. He had told her no children, but she imagined it was not the end result.

    Anyway Good luck for the future. Take your time

  16. #46
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe,

    Well I will have to...Anyway still have the time to enjoy much...

    I just need to wait for the perfect time...

  17. #47
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpleHeart View Post
    but sad to say his quite to busy working and working all the way into the heart of London, are you familiar with metroline bus???maybe some of here got a ride. He is one of the driver of that bus. working 12 hours a day and a 6 days a week as far as I know. His working in this job for almost 5 years.
    what bus number?When i ride on that bus im gonna give him a slap for you.Just joking.There is a saying honesty is the best policy.If he cant be honest on you, its hard to trust coz he might do it again.

  18. #48
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpleHeart View Post

    I've found out the real answer why he did break me up last time, he wanted me to choose between him and my family, he wanted me to stop thinking of my family anymore and all I have to do is to concentrate on our relationship, this is because I am quite supporting my younger sister which in God's will would be going to get a board exam for mechanical engineer this march,."Oh I pray I lot for her hope she can get it to the top"He told me about stop sending my salary to my family instead to save it for our future, If i can't do that then I will be losing him. Since my mother and my father were old enough we do the support their children.In other words we are being conflict on our cultural views, which is the value of being family oriented, it is not in his vocabulary,...He also talk about the future we may be..That if we got married and something went wrong in this relationship and split up, where should the custody of the children goes or anything like that...

    It's getting to my nerves already.....
    So I pissed him off!!!!!!!

    Have your partner do think the same way he did????I wonder????
    Watta selfish lazy bas****!!
    Sorry but I am glad you pissed him off!!!
    We filipinas love our families so its good to choose a partner who love and treasure their family too ...Its not about cultural differences as I've seen and meet a lot of foreigners/british who value their family a lot they might be independent and separated from their family at an early stage but the bond , love and care for their family is still there....
    I remember my grandma told me that ''you will know a potential partner in life if u see on how he loves and takes care of his mother'' becoz he will do exactly the same to you once you are together and married.
    We cannot choose our family,but we can choose our friends,partners in glad you made the right choice simpleheart!!!

    Goodluck on your future and your sisters board exam!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  19. #49
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    ......We filipinas love our families so its good to choose a partner who love and treasure their family too ...Its not about cultural differences as I've seen and meet a lot of foreigners/british who value their family a lot they might be independent and separated from their family at an early stage but the bond , love and care for their family is still there....
    Simpleheart, I am British and totally agree with Sars ....... there are many Brits who do strongly value their families and this guy was very selfish and unreasonable expecting you to choose him over your family. I'm so glad that you had the sense to dump him as it appears that there would have been a great deal of continued unhappiness in your relationship. Well done you, a lucky escape!

  20. #50
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Thank you Sars and Rosie...Maybe someday someone would find me, and that was for real. Not a selfish man anymore...

    Too allergy of the kind of thing

  21. #51
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Perhaps he needs to look on Pinoy Orphans .com
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  22. #52
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Perhaps he needs to look on Pinoy Orphans .com

  23. #53
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    'what you see is what you get' better to find out what he is like now, rather than the day after your wedding night. People dont change no more than I can change the colour of my eyes. You had a lucky escape, move on to greener pastures

  24. #54
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    'what you see is what you get' better to find out what he is like now, rather than the day after your wedding night. People dont change no more than I can change the colour of my eyes. You had a lucky escape, move on to greener pastures
    Walking forward to view more on real life,it serves as a lesson to be brought in moving on...

    Im too young to die, just because of one failure relationship

  25. #55
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    Advance this Advance that. You would of they invented the word! and neglected to learn the word, budget! Plus all that emotional blackmail, for good measure You know it makes sense

  26. #56
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Advance this Advance that. You would of they invented the word! and neglected to learn the word, budget! Plus all that emotional blackmail, for good measure You know it makes sense

    Right gwapito!!!!!

  27. #57
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    Just having a joke with Keith Angel. If you are going to marry a Brit one day, you got to get used to the sense of humour As Rod Stewart once sang, 'I was only joking my dear'. Welcome to the forum

  28. #58
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Atleast I learn the word "shenanigan"

    Learning in process

  29. #59
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    Dear simpleheart, it sounds as if your now ex boyfriend has had a tough life, his parents may be divorced and never known a happy family . As for him wanting you to give up your family, you may have got your wires crossed. He may mean just stop sending all your wages to your family. Its a bane for many a fil/uk relationship. The uk/uk relationship normally pool there wages together. Remember he is a bus driver, not on great wages no matter how many hours he does. He is being realisic, thats all. He has worked out he cant afford to support you as well as himself on what he earns. Again, better to find all this out now before you get married, it would be too late then. He has behaved in the most un-gentlemanly way towards you and for that, there is no excuse. like Terpe and others have said, learn from this and move on. Its not wasted, its one of life's learning curves, anyway thats what I used to tell myself when went pear shaped for me.

  30. #60
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    then again, some men still in this day and age like control, of the money and the decisions, but this doesnt always show untill after getting married,check em out, scrutinise their intentions and shenanigans

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