I've found out the real answer why he did break me up last time, he wanted me to choose between him and my family, he wanted me to stop thinking of my family anymore and all I have to do is to concentrate on our relationship, this is because I am quite supporting my younger sister which in God's will would be going to get a board exam for mechanical engineer this march,."
Oh I pray I lot for her hope she can get it to the top"He told me about stop sending my salary to my family instead to save it for our future, If i can't do that then I will be losing him. Since my mother and my father were old enough we do the support their children.In other words we are being conflict on our cultural views, which is the value of being family oriented, it is not in his vocabulary,...He also talk about the future we may be..That if we got married and something went wrong in this relationship and split up, where should the custody of the children goes or anything like that...
It's getting to my nerves already.....

So I pissed him off!!!!!!!
Have your partner do think the same way he did????I wonder????