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Thread: So you want to marry A Filpina ?

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    So you want to marry A Filpina ?

    Marriage Test - So you think you would like to Marry a Filipina ?

    Getting married to a Philippines lady is a great thing but not always great for everyone, its that old story, a Philippines lady can be all things to a man, but not every Philippines lady can be all things to every man, in other words its not a good idea to stereotype Philippine women.

    Very often Philippine women are shoved in the same pigeon hole as all other women from the South East Asian countries, such as China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, South Korea.

    The women from these countries, tend to have totally different languages, different religions different cultures, different ways of eating food, the only thing they share is the Pacific ocean if they can travel to their local beach.

    In that sense if I am honest in writing for the Forum I really ought to discourage British Men from marrying Philippine women simply because they are ‘Filipina’s” perpetuated by some mythical notion that Filipina’s are wonderful, submissive wives that never answer back, and are fantastic in the bedroom !

    So I have set a little test for you prospective husbands to see if you really know anything about your future wife’s country, culture and customs, you can work out your own score, and quite frankly if you think there is a cash prize, forget it, its simply for your enjoyment.

    The Test

    Background questions !

    1. Can you find the Philippines on a map ?

    2. Do you know what is the Capital City of the Philippines ?

    3. Do you know what are the main regions of the Philippines ?

    4. Do you know who is the President of the Philippines ?

    5. Do you know what are the main languages spoken in the Philippines ?

    6. Do you know what the main religions practiced in the Philippines ?

    7. Do you know why many Filipinos have Spanish names ?

    Personal questions

    8. Are you prepared to have children, if so, are you prepared for many children ?
    9. Are you prepared to provide “Sustento” for your extended Philippine family for education and other expenses, if they need your help ?

    10. Are you fairly tolerant of superstitions ?

    11. Do you like Fish products ?

    12. Do know what eating implements are preferred

    Silver cutlery

    13. Do Filipinos bow to each other ?

    14. Do you expect your Philippine wife to be submissive and obedient after the marriage ?

    15. Are you just getting married for sex ? Be honest about this.

    16. What is the difference between Tagalog, Filipino, Bisayan, Cebuano, Ilongo ?

    17. What do you think the differences are between a Thai woman, A Japanese woman or a Philippine woman ?

    18. Are you wanting to marry a Philippine woman because you think you hate British women ? Be honest with yourself.

    19. Do you like hot climates or hate them ?

    20. Are you tolerant of Bureaucracy or are do you not suffer fools gladly ?

    Ok now you have thought of your answers, see how you did, and see if you answers match mine, then look at your scores and see whether its for you, or you need to do some more thinking ??

    Answers in next message.

  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Re: So you want to marry A Filpina ?

    So Lets see How you have done ??

    Lets look at the points you have accrued ?

    Question 1.

    The Philippines is a collection of some 7000 Islands located about 700 Miles to the South of Hong Kong at the tip of the Chinese mainland.

    5 points if you knew where it was.

    Question 2.

    The Capital City of the Philippines is Manila

    5 points for knowing that.

    Question 3.

    The main regions of the Philippines are:

    1. Luzon to the North
    2. Visaya to the Central Region
    3. Mindanao

    5 points for knowing this.

    Question 4.

    The President of the Philippines is Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

    5 points

    Question 5.

    The Main Languages of the Philippines are as follows:

    1. English - is spoken widely and the language of Business and Government.
    2. Filipino - The official cultural language of the Philippines has its roots in Tagalog.

    5 points if you know this.

    Question 6.

    The main religions of the Philippines are

    1. Roman Catholicism 83 per cent.
    2. Protestants 13 per cent.
    3. Muslims 4 per cent.

    Question 7

    Do you know why so many Filipinos have Spanish names ?

    This is due to the fact that the Spaniards occupied the Philippines during the 16th Century.

    If you knew this you get 5 points.

    Personal Questions.

    Question 8

    Are you prepared to have children ?

    If yes 5 points if no 0 points.

    Question 9

    Are you prepared to consider providing Sustentio this is a form of financial help for extended family ?

    If yes 5 points if No 0 points.

    Question 10.

    Are you tolerant of superstitions ?

    If yes 5 points if No 0 points.

    Question 11.

    Do you like Fish products ?

    If you do good because she does as well.. Good you get 5 points
    If you don’t like them…..0 point.

    Question 12.

    Do you know what eating implements are preferred ?

    Fingers can be used for lots of dishes, including rice, but generally a Silverware Fork will be provided in restaurants, you might have to ask for a knife.

    5 points for that.

    Question 13

    Do Filipinos bow to each other ?

    No they don’t ! 5 points if you knew that, this is not Japan.

    Question 14.

    Do you expect your wife to be submissive and obedient after the marriage ?

    Philippine women are not confrontational in public, this may because they do not wish to bring shame on their husband, they do submit to the reasonable demands of their husbands, but only when respected by the husband.

    They are not confrontational with their husband because they simply do not need to be, they are much smarter than that, and have many other ways of obtaining what they want, without the need for shouting match.

    If you knew this 5 points.

    Question 15.

    Are you just get married for the sex ? Be honest ?

    Sex is a part of marriage but if you are just getting married for it, you only engage in it about 2 per cent of your time together, hmmmm what will you do for the other 98 per cent of the time, She might want a chat now and then.

    5 points for your honesty 0 points if you cant be honest.

    Question 16.

    What is the difference between Tagalog Filipino, Bisayan, Cebunao, ilongo ?

    Filipino is the new cultural language of the Philippines
    Tagalog is the base language that Filipino was derived from.
    Bisayan and Cebuano and Ilongo are all regional languages.

    5 points if you knew that.

    Question 17.

    What do you think the differences are between a Thai woman, a Japanese woman or a Philippine woman.

    They all have their own cultures, speak their own languages, and are all individuals.

    If you thought about that you get 5 points.

    Question 18.

    Are you wanting to marry a Philippine woman because you think you hate British women. ?

    Well your Sisters, your Mother, and Grandmother, were all probably British, so come on, its not about nationality its about individuals.

    5 points if you don’t hate British women, 0 points if you do hate them all.

    Question 19

    Do you like hot climates or hate them ?

    5 points if you did, cos you need to get used to them.

    0 points if you only like cold ones.

    Question 20.

    Are you tolerant of bureaucracy or are you impatient when it comes to fools ?

    5 points if you are tolerant, in the Philippines you will need to be.

    0 points if you are not.

    Well add up your total.

    So lets look at it :

    60 to 100 points.

    Well done, your knowledge is great, you will be ok and have a good chance of making your relationship work.

    50 to 60 points.

    Not bad, you have thought about these questions and you should be ok, go ahead with your plans.

    30-50 points

    This is about average, you need a few adjustments, but on the whole, if you do some research and read a little more about Philippine culture and life, you should get better.

    20 - 30 points.

    Hmmmmmm you are pushing you luck here, you need to do lots of research and spend more time thinking about your future.

    10 - 15 points

    This is a disaster, and will only end in misery, suggest you take a look again at what you are thinking of doing.

    0 points.

    Oh dear, was it Philippppines or Phillllipines or was it…errr ok lets drop this one and put it to bed.

  3. #3
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    Don&#39;t you think that you should give credit to the author for your plagiarism? <_< You have a great web site here, but you really should not take credit for someone else&#39;s work. :huh:

    It&#39;s not exact, but too much like Original source
    Joey<span style=\'color:red\'></span>

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Joey@Jul 14 2005, 12:29 PM
    Don&#39;t you think that you should give credit to the author for your plagiarism? <_< You have a great web site here, but you really should not take credit for someone else&#39;s work. :huh:

    It&#39;s not exact, but too much like Original source

    Joey, it may be similar, but there is no reason for you to come on this Forum from another location and suggest we have plaigarized anyone elses work, there are enough husband&#092;wife couples in the UK to make up our own material, I have checked out your link, and it is similar in some ways, however thats only natural, as the traits of the Filipina are the same the whole world over, your comments are unhelpful, but you are entitled to your opinion, its a free country, well almost.

  5. #5
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    Joey, did you fail at dictation in school cos they ain&#39;t the same?

    Besides, I don&#39;t think you know WWW copyright laws, as even a one-for-one copy is not in breach due to were these servers are hosted. :P

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  6. #6
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    Ok, you guys got me. I suppose I overstepped a bit. I retract my statement and offer my apologies.

    My suspicion was aroused when I saw your title was exactly the same as theirs.

    While it isn&#39;t identical, the structure and flow of the whole thing led me to believe that it was rewritten from their text, and in the same order. Here are some examples:

    Your #1 matches their #2 exactly, but that question is probably a bit too straightforward to reword..

    Your #5 and #6 is the same but not as specific as their #2 and #3.

    Your #7 is essentially the same question as their #6.

    Your #8 asks the same question as their #7, with similar references using different words.

    Your #10 adds one word to their #9.

    Your multiple-choice #12 is very similar to their #12, with only a few different words.

    Your #13 reworded their trick question #13 slightly.

    Your #14 has the word marriage wheir their #14 doesn&#39;t, although both refer to wife.

    Your #15 is not quite identical to their #15.

    Your #16 is very similar to their #17.

    Your #17 is almost the same as their #18, but without the additional question at the end.

    Your #18 is slightly more specific than their #19.

    Should I really be apologising? Hmmm ...

    Admin: I didn&#39;t refer to copyright laws of any type. These were not identical, so dictation is not a factor. I do know that a college I attended once made their policy on this subject clear: one would be subject to expulsion. I didn&#39;t fail that.

    I&#39;m sorry if my comments aren&#39;t helpful to this forum. I just believe that if work is taken from somewhere else that common courtesy dictates you give proper credit to the original authors. Also, a link to the original source has a lot of useful information for just the people who read this forum.
    Joey<span style=\'color:red\'></span>

  7. #7
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    Thumbs up

    ginapeterb, your not Norman fron AC2/AC3 are you, as you do go on like him <_<

  8. #8
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    He used to be Alastair Campbell&#39;s rent boy :lol: :P

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  9. #9
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by MUDCRABS@Jul 16 2005, 12:40 AM
    ginapeterb, your not Norman fron AC2/AC3 are you, as you do go on like him <_<

    Listen pal...I dont know where you are from..or who you you dont identify yourself, which is typical of people who comment as you do, everyone on the Forum knows who I am and knows my wife, personally the one thing I dont like on this forum, is one line p...takes...this forum is to help others...get their spouses, or fiancees into the UK, the task is pretty hard at the best of times, now..either you have been through it...or you are going to at some stage...or you are a floating browswer...whichever it is...right now..I dont need to see...s...comments like yours...ok Pal...suggest you take your humour elsewhere...

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