Yes its official, British Men have the best staying power....

A study was done over last 6 months by the University of Utrecht in Holland, on the staying power of different nationalities.

The study was to find out, which nationality was able to withold their climax the longest during intercourse.

The results were as follows:

The United Kingdom - British Men an Average of 7 Minutes .35 Seconds

The Lowest was Turkish men who averaged only 3 Minutes 30 seconds

Also British Men came tops in the Romp department...100 British Partners were questioned, and they said that their partners (the men) liked to romp 3 times a week or more, in a sub question, all nationalties were asked about how many times a day, British men again came tops, they liked it at least twice a day.

Best time for the British Men is 1st thing in the morning.

The British Men came out tops also in the Foreplay Section, the average Foreplay session for the British Man is 45 Minutes, whilst Italian men came 2nd with 35 Minutes, German Men 30 Minutes, Dutch Men 20 Minutes, Turkish Men 5 minutes.

This Study was part of a study done into Sexual Behaviour on the grounds of nationality, by the University of Utrecht Holland, results were published in today's copy of the Sun a Popular newspaper in the UK.

As this study was a medical item, I thought I would include it in the Forum, good points for the Pinoy to take into consideration when choosing a foreign husband.