I have always had problems booking with Cebu Pacific online Ian, I can always get to the card details part and it fails everytime, even tried different credit cards. This has happened on many occasions throughout the years. Now I get mahal to book the tickets from their offices there. I know this might be a long shot, but do you know anyone who could get the tickets for you from an agent there? Is this for your next trip? if not could get elaine or family to pick up for you and get them when you are there.

On reliability issues, generally Cebu Pacific have always been on time. i have only once had a problem with Cebu Pacific where they cancelled my flight and put me on the next one. would have been ok if it wasn't before my flight home! I rang up Cathay Pacific to say what i can do? they said if i can get to check in 1 hour before flight they will accept me. i got there 40 minutes before the flight and got put in business class. thats why i will always praise CP as they have always sorted me out.