Now that the annulment will hopefully be through soon, we should start to prepare for the Visa application(s).

First the situation:
- I am a German living in the UK since 2003, but never applied for British citizenship
- my asawa has a son from her first (and still current) marriage
- we've met in chats in August 2009. These chats became pretty serious quickly
- we've met for the first time in Oct/Nov 2009 and considered us a couple ever since
- we kicked the annulment process off in late 2009 (I sent the money)
- since January 2010 I have been sending money regularly (20k for both)
- there were further visits in Jan 2010, Mar/Apr 2010, Aug/Sep 2010
- finances are not too bad - the income is more than sufficient, but there are not many savings due to annulment and travel costs plus the allowance. Finances shouldn't be an obstacle
- I'd prefer to avoid renewing my rent agreement on my current flat as I'd prefer to move into better accommodation (house with garden in the suburbs rather than city centre flat) which would be better suited for a small family

So, I am aware of two Visa options:
1) British Fiance Visa
- I think we should have no problems (famous last words ), the only issue is that I would have to renew the contract on the flat to include my asawa in it
- not sure if I as a resident but not citizen can apply for it
2) EU family visa
- We have plenty of proof that the relationship is real, but as we are not married and been together for less than 2 years I am not sure if this would be successfull.

Any thoughts/advice/visa options that we are unaware of so far?

We'll going to arrange an appointment with an immigration lawyer once the annulment is through, but it's better to go into that meeting with as much information as possible.