Hi all,
Just a note to say about my pair of hearing aids that I was supplied with at our NHS Hospital today.
I had not even considered asking through my GP about a NHS hearing Aid as I thought they were outdated and were the size of a house brick strapped on your head, and took a very long time to get anyhow.
I was tested at two High St outlets and was very worried about the cost I would need to pay, around £1,500 I even asked one shop if I could get any financial help from the Health Service and they said no.
So after asking my Dr and in due course having a test there I was referred to our local hospital hearing department, who also confirmed I could do with parts of my hearing range being boosted, they took impressions of the inside of my ears and booked me another appointment for today 7th March.
After some more test the new units were fine tuned to suite me and I was advised to wear them all day to enable me to get used to them.
What a difference, I am hearing things I have forgot about, and listening to TV is much improved!
I now punch the keys on the computer keyboard softer hearing that I was bashing them.
So if anyone has worries about their hearing, don’t wait like me get tested and things will improve!