just read in a newspaper that blair has been warned that immigrants from the EU newest members have pushed down wages in the uk and are stopping british workers finding jobs, well iam sure most people have thought this is true, as where i work they employed 2 polish people, paid them alot less than we get paid and the jobs could have been done by british workers, my friend works with 3 polish guys, my brother installs CCTV cameras and he visits alot of building sites, and he says there are alot of polish working there now. also their even in coronation street now, as are scousers

on a more serious note thou, the concerns were voiced by lord turner who lead the pension review and low wages commisions. he said the willingness of some immigrants to work illegally for and below the minimum wage appeared to be depressing wages for low-paid workers and this would make it harder to persuade long term unemployed to find jobs.
the goverment was one of a few exisiting EU members to give citizens of new EU states in 2004 full work rights. but they have been forced now to limit workers from bulgaria and romania to 20,000 a year ( not counting self-employed or illegal workers).
migration watch chairman sir andrew green said that at last someone is getting thru to the gov and that said "
as we cannot limit immigration from eastern europe we must limit it from the rest of the world "
home office this week announced a working party would assess the impact of immigration on schools, hospitals, housing, transport.
unions have warned that mass immigration was hurting workers, accusing firms of replacing staff and hiring foreigners willing to work for less and also firms who were employing foreign and UK workers on an agency basis, denying them paid holidays, paid overtime and sick leave.
but department of works and pensions stated that their is little evidence to show that migration from the new EU states has led to a reduced wage growth in the economy

WHAT !!!

, well you can always count on the gov to make me laugh, and they stated their is a clear consensus from businesses and thier own research that this has helped the economy to grow !! of course it will grow if you have more than 400,000 people working for a lot less, why is everythnig made in china, why are all the call centres in india !

they pay them less than the UK worker, so saving businesses money, simple hey
oh my point of all this is, even in the 'living in the UK test'

it states that now immigrants from outside the EU will find it more difficult now to be able to move and live in the UK.
I wonder if the visa price rises is part of all this,to deter people applying for citizenship and visas. who going to pay the bill for this mass immigration to the UK?

, the gov

up , allowing unlimited full work rights, and now will everyone who wants to come here from outside the EU pay for this.
but from what i've seen here it seems everyone is getting thier spouse visa's,
has the clampdown already started !
Government to strengthen "off-shore" border
28 March 2007
More people will face checks before entering the UK to further tighten the UK’s borders, Immigration Minister Liam Byrne announced today.