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Thread: Immigration controls

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Immigration controls

    just read in a newspaper that blair has been warned that immigrants from the EU newest members have pushed down wages in the uk and are stopping british workers finding jobs, well iam sure most people have thought this is true, as where i work they employed 2 polish people, paid them alot less than we get paid and the jobs could have been done by british workers, my friend works with 3 polish guys, my brother installs CCTV cameras and he visits alot of building sites, and he says there are alot of polish working there now. also their even in coronation street now, as are scousers .

    on a more serious note thou, the concerns were voiced by lord turner who lead the pension review and low wages commisions. he said the willingness of some immigrants to work illegally for and below the minimum wage appeared to be depressing wages for low-paid workers and this would make it harder to persuade long term unemployed to find jobs.

    the goverment was one of a few exisiting EU members to give citizens of new EU states in 2004 full work rights. but they have been forced now to limit workers from bulgaria and romania to 20,000 a year ( not counting self-employed or illegal workers).

    migration watch chairman sir andrew green said that at last someone is getting thru to the gov and that said "as we cannot limit immigration from eastern europe we must limit it from the rest of the world "

    home office this week announced a working party would assess the impact of immigration on schools, hospitals, housing, transport.

    unions have warned that mass immigration was hurting workers, accusing firms of replacing staff and hiring foreigners willing to work for less and also firms who were employing foreign and UK workers on an agency basis, denying them paid holidays, paid overtime and sick leave.

    but department of works and pensions stated that their is little evidence to show that migration from the new EU states has led to a reduced wage growth in the economy WHAT !!! , well you can always count on the gov to make me laugh, and they stated their is a clear consensus from businesses and thier own research that this has helped the economy to grow !! of course it will grow if you have more than 400,000 people working for a lot less, why is everythnig made in china, why are all the call centres in india ! they pay them less than the UK worker, so saving businesses money, simple hey

    oh my point of all this is, even in the 'living in the UK test' it states that now immigrants from outside the EU will find it more difficult now to be able to move and live in the UK.

    I wonder if the visa price rises is part of all this,to deter people applying for citizenship and visas. who going to pay the bill for this mass immigration to the UK? , the gov up , allowing unlimited full work rights, and now will everyone who wants to come here from outside the EU pay for this.

    but from what i've seen here it seems everyone is getting thier spouse visa's,

    has the clampdown already started !

    Government to strengthen "off-shore" border
    28 March 2007
    More people will face checks before entering the UK to further tighten the UK’s borders, Immigration Minister Liam Byrne announced today.

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Ima leevin..On a jet plane...Don't think that I'll be back again..

    Just wondering..The Polish are building our Olympic structures on minimum wages for 10 Billion squid.
    Imagine what it would cost if they employed us locals!!

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I have no problem with any of this, International market forces, if we do not compete with the likes of Asia, we'll all be out of work regardless of who comes to this country.

    Plenty of work for everyone if they can be bothered getting off their and doing it. Nothing to stop English folk from moving to another European country and taking advantage of cheaper housing, taxes, etc.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Ima leevin..On a jet plane...Don't think that I'll be back again..

    Just wondering..The Polish are building our Olympic structures on minimum wages for 10 Billion squid.
    Imagine what it would cost if they employed us locals!!
    , yes using polish just means more money for bonuses for the fat cats , and the polish being exploited. I work with printers, and the japs are not stupid, they put on their boxes. desgined in japan made in china, i wonder how many polish built the new wembley - maybe they should put a plaque on it 'desgined in england - built by poles' oh it was partly desgined by hok sport a usa company.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I have no problem with any of this, International market forces, if we do not compete with the likes of Asia, we'll all be out of work regardless of who comes to this country.

    Plenty of work for everyone if they can be bothered getting off their and doing it. Nothing to stop English folk from moving to another European country and taking advantage of cheaper housing, taxes, etc.
    is that why you moved to wales , i just seen on the news that nhs prescriptions are now free in wales but got up in england

    plenty of work for everyone , open your eyes and look around you, myself i've been made redundant twice in the last 6yrs thru the companies going into liquidation, and the companies had been trading nearly 10 years each. as for international market forces !, yes call centres, help lines, production jobs all going to eastern europe and asia ! just so the companies can make more profit at a cost of employing local people.

    so to compete in a international market, lets scrap the minimum wage, social security and all the benefits. the nhs - people with money use bupa anyway, have one tax rate, and bring back the sweat shops and factories oh like the mills that covered liverpool and manchester 100 years ago. you have to protect the living standards in the uk, or let it decline and go back to 100 years ago.

    most of the other EU states, put a limit on work permits, to control any surges in immigration, why didnt the uk? , i just wonder if this is the biggest a gov has ever made in a long time.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I have no problem with any of this, International market forces, if we do not compete with the likes of Asia, we'll all be out of work regardless of who comes to this country.

    Plenty of work for everyone if they can be bothered getting off their and doing it. Nothing to stop English folk from moving to another European country and taking advantage of cheaper housing, taxes, etc.
    Our esteemed leader tells the truth as always. Look, its a two-way street, your welcome to work in any EU member state without restriction, and vice-vera for any Pole, German, French, and er fans of Man U. If had a pot of money, I would be gone somewhere cheaper, thats the one great thing about the EU.

    I used to work in Malta at the time they weren't in the EU, and they used to moan that joining the EU would be a bad thing. Bet they are not saying that now,with tons of EU money pouring in to pay for projects they could not previously afford. Nor are they moaning about the fact that they can now work in any EU state where previously they required a visa. I'm not moaning either as it means I can enter Malta again without the need for any passport stamps, or extension visas.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    is that why you moved to wales , i just seen on the news that nhs prescriptions are now free in wales but got up in england

    plenty of work for everyone , open your eyes and look around you,
    Who wants to live in England with its paid prescriptions, thats sooo last year

    Look, get a skill and find another job, if not, your local supermarket has plenty of vacancies

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Typical Manc outlook on life ....plenty of jobs in London.....Tony needs a rent boy can shaft him for shafting us
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes i could go somewhere like poland oh but why are they coming here ? maybe cause its a better standard of life here, and you get paid more, but the more who come here will push down wages, and they will take any job, even the jobs you dont want to do, but you honeslty believe that they will keep doing them jobs, many of the polish who come here have degrees, soon as they can speak a decent level of english, then they will apply and take them jobs.pushing wages down again for even professional and skilled workers. if your a manager and you can get a eastern european to do the job for half the price.. would you or would you give it to a local

    iam not against polish or anyone, but they should have controlled the immigration, like the long and never ending process my wife had and has to go thru ! equality...

    i want the non british europeans professionals who work in the uk, to take the ielts english test, and get an average of 7 in reading, speaking and writing english, like my wife had to do, most would fail first time, and iam sure you would rather see my perfect english speaking doctor wife than a non british doc. so next time i see a doctor or take my dog to a vet, i can understand a word they say

  10. #10
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Typical Manc outlook on life ....plenty of jobs in London.....Tony needs a rent boy can shaft him for shafting us
    no work for me been out of work for a week now..

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Typical Manc outlook on life ....plenty of jobs in London.....Tony needs a rent boy can shaft him for shafting us
    well maybe the eastern euros have not reached sunny wales yet, but there are 1000's in sunny manc, and maybe they refuse to goto liverpud land. i mean who would be that desperate... !!

    unlike you keith, iam not looking after myself, iam bothered about the local people who was born here, work and live here. oh dont worry, maybe soon i not give a when my wife starts work as a doc

  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access) ysa888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    just read in a newspaper that blair has been warned that immigrants from the EU newest members have pushed down wages in the uk and are stopping british workers finding jobs, well iam sure most people have thought this is true, as where i work they employed 2 polish people, paid them alot less than we get paid and the jobs could have been done by british workers, my friend works with 3 polish guys, my brother installs CCTV cameras and he visits alot of building sites, and he says there are alot of polish working there now. also their even in coronation street now, as are scousers .

    on a more serious note thou, the concerns were voiced by lord turner who lead the pension review and low wages commisions. he said the willingness of some immigrants to work illegally for and below the minimum wage appeared to be depressing wages for low-paid workers and this would make it harder to persuade long term unemployed to find jobs.

    the goverment was one of a few exisiting EU members to give citizens of new EU states in 2004 full work rights. but they have been forced now to limit workers from bulgaria and romania to 20,000 a year ( not counting self-employed or illegal workers).

    migration watch chairman sir andrew green said that at last someone is getting thru to the gov and that said "as we cannot limit immigration from eastern europe we must limit it from the rest of the world "

    home office this week announced a working party would assess the impact of immigration on schools, hospitals, housing, transport.

    unions have warned that mass immigration was hurting workers, accusing firms of replacing staff and hiring foreigners willing to work for less and also firms who were employing foreign and UK workers on an agency basis, denying them paid holidays, paid overtime and sick leave.

    but department of works and pensions stated that their is little evidence to show that migration from the new EU states has led to a reduced wage growth in the economy WHAT !!! , well you can always count on the gov to make me laugh, and they stated their is a clear consensus from businesses and thier own research that this has helped the economy to grow !! of course it will grow if you have more than 400,000 people working for a lot less, why is everythnig made in china, why are all the call centres in india ! they pay them less than the UK worker, so saving businesses money, simple hey

    oh my point of all this is, even in the 'living in the UK test' it states that now immigrants from outside the EU will find it more difficult now to be able to move and live in the UK.

    I wonder if the visa price rises is part of all this,to deter people applying for citizenship and visas. who going to pay the bill for this mass immigration to the UK? , the gov up , allowing unlimited full work rights, and now will everyone who wants to come here from outside the EU pay for this.

    but from what i've seen here it seems everyone is getting thier spouse visa's,

    has the clampdown already started !

    Government to strengthen "off-shore" border
    28 March 2007
    More people will face checks before entering the UK to further tighten the UK’s borders, Immigration Minister Liam Byrne announced today.

    hello, can you advice me since you're from uk. Im a Filipino citizen plannig to work there..From the message you wrote is very depressing for me..I'm planning to go to the agency tom to pass all my documents.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ysa888 View Post
    hello, can you advice me since you're from uk. Im a Filipino citizen plannig to work there..From the message you wrote is very depressing for me..I'm planning to go to the agency tom to pass all my documents.
    Keith, your customer

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You can't work in UK unless you are European. SIMPLE AS THAT. An agency will lie to you, and take your money.
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Joe, a friend of ours lives in Widnes, not know for jobs. He wakes up, decides he wants a job, and by the end of the day has one. He works for a few weeks/months, saves up the money, packs it in, goes on holiday, comes back, has a few weeks off, then goes out and gets another job within 24hrs, and does it all again. He's done that for decades, thing is, he'll take any job, and works his nuts off, unlike 90% of the unemployable in this country.

    Of course I come first, I get off my ass & work for myself. I run many businesses, so if one goes AoverT the others are more than enough to keep me going. 10 years ago I never knew what the Interenet was, I taught myself programming, web design, how to run a server, etc, and now have 45 sites. On top of that I sell items on Ebay, build computers for other folk, etc.

    I do not do anything, others cannot do if they can be bothered.
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i could do some of what you do, if i didnt have to work all day, i'am sure your friend don't have a wife and kids to support, good for him thou, but iam sure most of the jobs he gets are and the pay is low, like your friend thou i work me nuts off even when the employer takes the , ive had about 4 sickdays off in near 5 yrs, and believe me getting someone thru med school is expensive even in the philippines, and for the last few years ive tried to keep the same job, so when its visa time it looks like i can hold a job for more than a few weeks, iam even thinking for quitting now, but its visa time so i'll have to stick it out.

    as for what your doing, good on ya, ive looked at your sites, well done , but not everyone can do what you do, your similar to my bro, ive use to program video games in the early 80's !! did u ever have a vic-20 or commodore +4/c16 ?? , I like you, learnt to program, even started a open uni degree , got 1/3rd thru it to stop becuase i couldnt afford it, but ive not quit,ive worked in It for what more than 16yrs, i can build pc's,portables repair them , was compaq certified, and even mcse in nt4. i repair printers at the mo, and its semi-skilled/skilled, i always try to be the best at what i do. i have had some set back thou , well being a manc i can and at them.

    but its time i did something, and i will ,

  17. #17
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    your welcome to work in any EU member state without restriction, and vice-vera for any Pole, German, French, and er fans of Man U. If had a pot of money, I would be gone somewhere cheaper, thats the one great thing about the EU.
    And what if I dont speak Polish? Do you think they would employ me? No they would laugh and then tell me to **** off. (My Polish mate told me this)
    Why is it when when others have tried to use their health system they have been directed back to the UK..(No budget!!)
    The Poles can work for cheap wages here because they do not have the expenses us locals have..They live 12 to a house in London and send their cash to Poland..
    They have their fags and booze,polish sausages sent to them to avoid our VAT.
    If I were them,I'd do the same,but this dont make it fair..
    The NHS abortion rate has gone through the roof and this is due to Eastern Europeans who get this service for free before they have contributed a penny.
    I have paid into the system all my life and my GP charges me £100.00 for a medical that I need for my R.P visa residency.

    We need to get the **** outta Europe before its too late..
    Glaringly obvious that its too one sided IMO.

    Actually,saying that..I dont give a **** because...Im off!!
    I just feel sorry for you lot.

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the 2 polish my works employed, they had to go back to poland for national service about a year ago, someone at my works has left, they got a better job with more pay, i asked my boss who was going to do his job, fobbed me off abit, but looks like we will all do it, but he did say one of the poles will be coming back in may to help out ! why diidnt they employ someone local months ago. its all to do with cost, he was a good worker but he was getting paid only 58% of what the lowest worker at my place was. you think they would employ him if they had to pay the same ??

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    What folk do not realise is this is all a two-way street.

    For years my mates brother has worked in Germany laying roads for the government.....why? Because it is cheap labour from the UK, yet he gets paid more for doing it in Germany than he would in the UK.

    As for not wanting to learn a language to get a job, that is personal choice, and prevents you access to 90% of the European jobs. It takes me a month to learn a new programming language, and that keeps me ahead of the vast majority of other programmers, I don't have to learn it though, maybe I just couldn't be bothered and still be working on a ZX80
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    For years my mates brother has worked in Germany laying roads for the government.....why? Because it is cheap labour from the UK, yet he gets paid more for doing it in Germany than he would in the UK.
    So why is it that Germany is not flooded with Polish road workers when they can get more money there, than they can here?
    Not so far for them to travel either..
    Oh...Perhaps they can't speak German or it could just be something else..
    I wonder what that could be?

  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    My mate can't speak German either! Maybe it's because they aren't Mancs
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nevermind speaking german, how about the scousers learning english first !

    i think the germans put controls on work permits for the new EU states that joined since 2004,

    'In general, citizens of these new EU member states can enter Germany without a visa. In order to take up a gainful employment, they have to apply for a work permit (Arbeitsgenehmigung) at the local Employment Agency (Arbeitsagentur).'

  23. #23
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If we deported all the Mancs, benefit claims would half
    Keith - Administrator

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