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Thread: As it happened: Libya and Arab unrest on Friday

  1. #1
    Respected Member Win2Win's Avatar
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    Post As it happened: Libya and Arab unrest on Friday

    Minute-by-minute coverage of continuing unrest in Libya and other Arab nations on Friday 25 February.

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  2. #2
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    I have been watching this situation unfold and it brings back some strong memories of when I was a little girl caught up in the first military coup involving Colonel Gaddaffi in 1969. My dad was stationed at RAF El Adem and we lived in Tobruk, as did King Idris who was overthrown by Gaddaffi and thrown into exile.

    It was a scary place to be living at the time, a strict curfew was imposed and we weren't allowed to go out but whilst laying in bed at night could hear the screams of many arab people being shot outside in Arab Square. Fortunately, although on the last flight, my family was safely evacuated back to the UK but the arabic caretaker of our block of flats wasn't as lucky. He was decapitated for being associated with the British ...................

    I hope that they manage to get the guys out that are currently stuck in the desert, it's not a good place to be right now

  3. #3
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    I just caught the BBC news and it now seems that there are more than 500 oil workers still trapped in the desert.
    Doesn't appear that there is any clear idea of how to get them out. Well none that is being publicaly broadcast.
    Those people must be living a real nightmare, short of food and water too I would think.

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