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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    In my opinion a smoker should pay much more tax.
    Look, it pollutes the atmosphere, It smells disgusting and makes our clothes smell disgusting. It uses our oxygen to stay alight and puts bad chemicals in the air.
    Cigarette butts are just everywhere, all around the roads, the streets and my garden.
    They cause forest fires. They cause disputes, bullying and crime in our prisons where they almost replace currency.
    The govt uses the tax to fund what..................? Moats, Duck Houses, and Chelsea flats
    Smokers walk around with a lighted stick that burns holes in my clothes.
    They teach children how to follow in their footsteps.
    The arguments against smoking are well known. Smoking has been shown to be dangerous to health. Heart disease, bronchitis and lung cancer have all been linked.

    And what about your sex life? What about mine with passive smoking C'mon please.

    Smoking is a sin.

  2. #2
    Respected Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    In my opinion a smoker should pay much more tax.
    Look, it pollutes the atmosphere, It smells disgusting and makes our clothes smell disgusting. It uses our oxygen to stay alight and puts bad chemicals in the air.
    Cigarette butts are just everywhere, all around the roads, the streets and my garden.
    They cause forest fires. They cause disputes, bullying and crime in our prisons where they almost replace currency.
    The govt uses the tax to fund what..................? Moats, Duck Houses, and Chelsea flats
    Smokers walk around with a lighted stick that burns holes in my clothes.
    They teach children how to follow in their footsteps.
    The arguments against smoking are well known. Smoking has been shown to be dangerous to health. Heart disease, bronchitis and lung cancer have all been linked.

    And what about your sex life? What about mine with passive smoking C'mon please.

    Smoking is a sin.
    Typical ex smoker

    Imagine is absolutely right, smokers pay on average an extra £1500 a year in excise duty and VAT on their cigarettes. Why should they pay more income tax and NI? To say that smoking alone is the cause of all of their health problems and should be taxed more is complete rubbish. Lifestyle and diet are just as important factors, a smoker with a healthy diet and who regularly exercises will be no more of a burden to the state than someone who drinks/eats too much or who doesnt look after their health in other ways. If smoking is so unhealthy and smokers die younger, why should they pay more in NI? After all todays NI is what pays Old Age Pensions and as smoker die younger they wont claim the Old Age Pension for as long, so they should actually get a rebate on their NI contributions.
    For those of you who want to have a go at smokers, just think about the £10's of billions taxation on smokers raises. Yes, let's ban it and watch you non smokers income tax and NI go up by 5% to offset the shortfall in the treasury

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