By the late 70's there was nothing Great about Britain, it had gone from being an important global player to a nearly bankrupt state and a laughing stock in the western world. Unions had too much power, British manufacturing industries were crippled by strikes and the country was going down the pan fast.
Mrs T came to power and had to stop the rot, sure she made some unpopular decisions but, she turned Britain around and once again it became a major global player, whilst some may not agree with her, the majority of people were better off as the country was prosperous and taxations were reduced when the national debt left by Labour had been reduced. Sadly the lessons of the past werent learned and once again we find ourselves in the position of an incoming Conservative government having to sort out the mess left behind by Labour, and having to make some unpopular decisions for the greater good.
Only time will tell if DC has the balls that Mrs T and Winston Churchill had, he's inherited a country in a truly desperate state, and only tough measures are going to turn it around.