oh dear politics again but this time without the religeon, should be reasonably safe to pop my head up then ,
just my opinions,
the unions did abuse there power, i seen them vote to strike for stupid little things, they are themselves to blame for being destroyed by thatcher,
had the unions been sensible then they were a good thing,
the pits being closed, yes they were not invested in to bring up to date as like germany, but closing them ,men out of work, surley the cost of paying them off and paying them unemployment was not viable, surely it would have been more cost affective to keep them in work even if it ment investing in the pits,
the same with privatising,what once was public, many became unemployed as a result, surly it was better to keep them employed even if running at a loss, the results showed big increases in the unemployed, yes privatisation means more tax revenue to the goverment but then they pay it out in bennefits , whats the point?
our british motorbike companys lost out to the japs, for lack of investment in our own,
the poor get thinner the rich get fatter, theives, liars,war criminals, thats amounts to any of our govermonts wether it be labour, conservative or librel, there all the same