touched nerve there gm47 Not as you think, as I have brought up 2 stepkids with no problem.

britian now has millions of families with step kids, whats so mature about not gettinginvolved with someone who has kids ? where we differ here is that you believe that someone that doesn’t (as you said in your message) is because of his macho pride and half a brain. What I am saying is that if someone decides that he/she doesn’t want to get into a relationship with someone else that has children, has made a decision based on what he wants from life and what is wrong with that !! At least he/she just hasn’t jumped in there for a quick fix, they have thought it through.

what you saying that someone who gets involved with step kids is not mature Your words not mine. my point was that if you dont try, you dont know ! It’s not a sweet shop where if you don’t like something you can just put it back ! just becuase she has a child already, is that a red light to you, without even knowing the child or her. For me personally.. yes….. I’ve made that decision and I have the right to do so and it doesn’t make me any less of a person than you. The same as If you decide that you are not interested in any 6’4” girls of 25 stone with red hair from Glasgow for any of the descriptive reasons then that is your decision and I wouldn’t think any less of you for that, at that same time I realise you if you got to meet someone like that you may like them. But you are allowed to make the call beforehand if you wish IMO.

so what if you have had kids before, what that got to do with it ? Because some people don’t wish to bring up any more children as they have already done it and don’t wish to do it again.

my attack was at the guys out there, who for their selfish reasons will not accept someone else kids, becuase they are not the bio father and it dents their macho pride.
Ok but how would you know that is their reason, I’ve never heard anyone ever say or suggest that, not to say that it doesn’t happen.

it was not at people who already have kids, dont want any more kids, are too old , or what ever other reason. it was aimed at those out there who think 'iam not bringing up someone elses kid', thank god there are million out there who dont think like that, and who are step parents... Here we agree and to me they are the mature ones.. what ever mature means to you. As we don’t need to get into any further points re the above, if you decide to reply to this you can have the last word.
