Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
I notice no one has commented on the guilford 4 to tough guys to see the flaw this miscarriage was a police issue
I don't have any personal knowledge of the Guildford 4, however, I did just find that the success of their appeal appears to have been the result of a police officer discovering what appeared to be a falsification of notes.

Quote:_ In 1989, a detective looking at the case found typed notes from Patrick Armstrong's police interviews, which had been heavily edited. Deletions and additions had been made, and the notes had been rearranged. These notes, and their amendments, were consistent with hand-written and typed notes presented at the trial, which suggested that the hand-written notes were made after the interviews had been conducted. This implied that the police had manipulated the notes to fit with the case they wanted to present.

I know this will sound revolutionary, but I believe suspects should not be cautioned that they need not say anything but the opposite i.e that they are OBLIGED to answer questions and that not doing so will he held against them. In my view the basic rule should be to ensure justice, not some silly game, designed and maintained so that the legal profession can earn huge fees at the expense of 'justice' and the public purse.