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Thread: Jeepney driver

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  1. #1

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    Jeepney driver

    Two fiipinos were at the gates of Heaven, waiting to be admitted to the afterlife.

    The first guy was a highly respected priest. He was well regarded in his local community and had devoted his entire life to god. He prayed 15 times a day and worked tirelessly to spread God's word amongst the people.

    Peter, the chief archangel, called the priest forward. "Name?", he asked the priest.

    "Father John B. Asuncion" came the reply.

    "And your job was...?"

    "I was a highly devoted priest who prayed ceaselessy every day and never stopped doing the work of the Lord".

    "Ah, yes, we you name here" Peter said. With that he gave the priest an old wooden crook, some poor quality, dull-coloured robes and pointed to a group of similarly dressed, dowdy looking people in a corner.

    "You'll be with them" Peter said. The priest was a little shocked - surely after all his years of servitude to God he would be rewarded with a better place in heaven than this. Still, he thought, humbly, maybe my deeds were not as great as some others - perhaps there are other religious men who have done far worthier deeds - and with that he moved to his appointed corner, but continued watching the queue of people registering to come into Heaven.

    The next person at the front of the queue was a particularly shabby looking and unkempt man, who looked like he hadn't washed for a few days, hadn't had a haircut in years and who was covered in diesel oil.

    "Name..?" asked Peter.

    "Daniel T. Revilla" came the reply.

    "And your job was...?"

    "I was a jeepney driver", said he jeepney driver.

    "Oh yes, we've been waiting for you sir", said Peter, overcome with respect and admiration. With that he gave him the finest, most magnificent golden crook, the most luxurious golden satin robes and told him to go and wait in the opposite corner to the priest. This corner was full of people similarly dressed, and in this corner, the brightest light of heaven constantly shone over them.

    The priest was a bit taken aback and finally plucked up the courage to have a chat with Peter.

    "Erm, excuse me, Peter, sir, I think there may be some mistake. In my life I was a highly devoted priest, I prayed endlessly every day and I spread the Lord's work as far and wide as I could. I have spent every minute of my adult life in the service of the Lord, and yet on reaching heaven, I'm given a poor wooden crook, these awful clothes and told my place in heaven is with these less than worthy people. And that the guy after me is just a jeepney driver and he gets rewarded with a place in the brightest part of heaven. I don't understand", he said.

    "Ah well", replied Peter, "you see, up here, we're only interested in results".

    "How do you mean", asked the Priest.

    "Well", said Peter, "when you hold your sermons and church services, all the people in your congretation fall to sleep. But when the jeepney driver drives his jeepney, everybody starts praying".

  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Re: Jeepney driver

    Excellent post, well done, brilliant, hey there is life out there, after all, welcome to the forum.

    i think we all know what its like in the Jeepney the only thing that looks funnier is a white boy winging it on a tri-cycle across the City of Kalibo, and all Filipinos looking on with laughter.

  3. #3

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    Filipino in New York

    Ricky was on his first trip to New York. He had booked his ticket just before the 9/11 disaster and now found himself in New York during the aftermath.

    As a mark of respect, he went to the smoking remains of the Ground Zero site to pay his respects.

    Whilst he was there, he saw that the President, George W Bush, was also there, visiting the site and inspecting the damage.

    Ricky decided he wanted to seize the moment and take the opportunity to pass on his condolences to the president for the tragedy which had happened.

    "Sir", he said, approaching the president, "I just wanted to say that everyone from where I'm from is thinking of you and your people and that our thoughts are with all of you".

    "Wow", replied President Bush, clearly moved. "That's very kind of you sir" he added. "Whereabouts are you from"?

    "I'm from Manila, sir", Ricky replied, proudly.

    The President, not known for his worldly knowledge, wasn't quite sure where Manila was but assumed it had to be in America.

    "Manila, huh", the President said. "And what state is that in?"

    Ricky looked around the smoking rubble of the Ground Zero site and shrugged his shoulders. "About the same state as this place..."

  4. #4

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    Re: Jeepney driver

    Yep, just found this site yesterday. Congrats on your efforts, I hope it's a success. It deserves to be.

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Re: Jeepney driver

    well thank you for that vote of confidence, we do try here and nice to see your posts, we hope to see more in the future, glad to have you as a member.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: Jeepney driver

    Pete, I didn't know you were and Archangel. You really must stop keeping secrets ;D

    Welcome to all who venture within in the bounds of this forum 8)

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