Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
I do use my bus pass as well.
Thank God for the FREE Scottish Bus Pass ... which I was fortunate enough to qualify for on turning 60 - a year after the age entitlement for men was lowered from 65 - in line with the long-standing arrangement for women. Unlike in my parents' - and earlier generations' - day when pensioners paid half-price ... and travel was restricted to one's own geographical location ... the concession covers the length and breadth of Scotland.

But there's a dark shadow looming on the horizon: May this year, marks the next set of Elections to the Scottish Parliament. And if a certain political party [Lib Dems, I think!] win a sufficient number of seats, rumour has it that the Bus Pass could be curtailed to the extent that travel for Senior Citizens might no longer be free nationally. The reason? To help provide additional funding for students ... so that THEY can pay less in tuition top-up fees. Grrr!

So whilst I started this post by "thanking" God ... I end it with the words "God forbid"!!