EVERY TIME I go to Phil' I am approached by girls / women asking me if I can find them a NICE UK MAN !
By the time I come home I often have DOZENS of slips of paper, and sometimes even photos too, with Phone Numbers and Email Addresses of Lonely Filipinas.
Recently I've started getting "Friend Invitations" on Facebook from Filipinas asking the same thing.
When I suggest that they try a Dating Agency or Website I'm often told that they have aready been down that route and PAID A LOT OF MONEY BUT HAD NO GOOD RESULTS :(
I've been QUITE SHOCKED at this, because I met the girl who will soon become My WIFE via an EXCELLENT Website that didn't cost her ONE PENNY ..... hehe or ONE PESO !
I HOPE I will NOT be Breaking Any Forum Rules if I name the Website we used ...... but I'll wait for an Owner or Moderator to Confirm this BEFORE I actually "Name Names".
I Believe that Finding THE RIGHT LIFE PARTNER is THE Most Important Thing We Ever Do !
............ and so any HELP ..... or WARNINGS ..... that those of us "In The Know" can pass on, and will Benefit Others, is not just Desirable, but OUR DUTY.
Many of the Filipinas hoping to find their "Mr Right" have very little Money, are often Unemployed, and many already have Young Children. So there's Little or No Cash available to PAY Dating Agencies.
I think it's a SCANDAL that some of these girls / women will have been "Bled Dry" by Unscrupulous People" who had NO Intention or Facilities to find them a partner, while EXCELLENT, and TOTALLY FREE Agencies exist.