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Thread: For Civil Partnership

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    For Civil Partnership

    Hi Guys,

    i just need some of your help and advises on what needs to do or what needs to bring before I leave the Philippines next week. Yes next week! I have visit visa to get married/civil partnership. I have my birth certificate local and NSO copy and not sure what else I need to bring. I see that I don't need a CFO thing stamp on my passport since I only have a visit visa for the civil partnership and not a settlement visa. But, me and partner is planning to get a settlement visa, ILR of FLR after the civil partnership. He wants me to take the English exam over there for the settlement visa. I have issue of what could possibly immigration here would think or ask me. Hope this will not be an issue since Civil Parnertship for same sex is not honored in this country. So Guys, I'd appreciate all your comments and suggestions on this matter.

    Ward Regards!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi there Booboo, welcome to the forum

    Sorry if I'm a little confused, but am I correct in thinking that the visa you have is what is commonly also called a 'Marriage Visa'?
    You are correct in that a marriage visa is not a settlement visa. It is solely issued for the purposes of getting married in UK (and honeymoon) , it is a requirement that the holder returns to their home country before the visa expires.
    Also, and importantly, the marriage visa is not a switchable visa.

    The documents you need will be those required for your wedding. But minimum would be ID (Passport and Birth Certificate)passport.
    Travel documentary evidence, may also be required to demonstrate that you have met the necessary residency requirement.
    Proof of Divorce (if previously married)
    Proof or previous partner's death certificate if widowed.

    If I missed something then I think somebody will post it soon.

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Terpe thanks very much for your advise. Anyway, you mentioned that the marriage visa that i have is not switchable, does that mean that I have to go back here before the marriage visa expire and apply for settlement visa here and not in UK? Because my partner, he wanted me to take the english exam and apply for settlement in the UK. Regarding documents, I got my Birth Cert and Passport ready.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booboo86 View Post
    Terpe thanks very much for your advise. Anyway, you mentioned that the marriage visa that i have is not switchable, does that mean that I have to go back here before the marriage visa expire and apply for settlement visa here and not in UK? Because my partner, he wanted me to take the english exam and apply for settlement in the UK. Regarding documents, I got my Birth Cert and Passport ready.

    It was not my intention to alarm you. I do not know exactly what visa you have, that's why I asked. But you did mention in your post that the visa you have is a visit visa and is not a settlement visa. If this is the case then you must return home before the visa expires. If you wish to settle in UK you will need to apply for a settlement visa.

    Here are details for Special Visit Visa (for marriage)

    Here are details for Settlement Entry Visa

    If you read through you will be able see which visa you have.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    hi booboo may i ask is your partner filipino or a british national? if hes british then you should have apllied for proposed civil partner visa, if your intention is to settle permanently in uk. same case also e if hes a filipino but already a british citizen. if you have now a special visit visa then you conot aplly for FLR cuase its not a settlement visa. i guess you need to got back to phil. before you visa expired. goodluck!

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