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Thread: Beware of long term scammers!

  1. #31
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Returning to the topic in hand ... you've had a nasty experience. And whether or not you WERE, in fact, the victim of a scam - as others before you, unfortunately have been - it's even less pleasant to discover that someone you'd grown to care for (as deeply as is possible with an online, long-distance relationship) has "let you down" by betraying your trust.

    Sadly, the chances of this sort of thing happening are ever-present ... and it can all too easily happen to any one of us. Luckily "alarm bells" sounded at the right moment and you were able to extricate yourself from the situation. Well done, George!

  2. #32
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    for a timely reminder ... don't let what MIGHT'VE happened deter you from connecting with a good "erg"!

  3. #33
    Respected Member Farmerg's Avatar
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    Thank you Arthur for your support.
    I appreciate your comments about dyslexia, I have got to admit that I use google chrome as my web browser of choice because it has a spell checking which makes my life a lot easier.


    P.S. Thank you for adding to my reputation.

  4. #34
    Respected Member Jimbojac's Avatar
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    I got majorly scammed too folks a coupla years back i dont mind admitting..........
    What really was sad was that she was always using "God and the Church" as methods of deception to make me think that i had found a really moral and honest girl, constantly using religious references!
    I was sending her money on a regular basis and was gonna finance her future college degree, feeling sorry for her as a broke single Mum.
    We then met in July '09
    She claimed that she had 2 kids and my first suspisions were raised when her sister who was visiting us was the first that "her" daughter ran too when she fell down and slightly hurt herself { any parent knows that a kid will naturally run to the Mum}
    We decided to take a long bus trip to the coast and as i struggled with all the bags she asked me for 2000 pesos for the fare and craftily paying when i was out of site { being a newbie i had no idea of costs and at the time i thought this was relatively cheap!}
    So, there i was enjoying myself in the stunning scenery of Aurora Province, had met a few locals and having a beer or 3 when i got chatting............turns out the bus fare should have been 800 max, my first answer, to the guys that inquired was that i got an aircon bus and surely that was the deal?? No way the reply, 800 max for 2 from Manila was the most i should have paid. I confronted her with this in a totally forthright manner saying that i knew she had pocketed the balance!
    To cut a long story short she confessed to it.
    Its tragic after the way that i treated her, sending her about £300 a month over the few months that we chatted and the obvious lies that she spun me. { How much " bola bola" did she tell me and how much was the truth??} I will never know and i decided to never beat myself up about it and to put it down to experience.
    To make matters worse i later found out that she stole my memory card for my camera and all my beautiful holiday pics were on there. I basically told her that unless i got it back i was gonna call the police. She was at the hotel with it within the hour!!
    Sadly it has made me really aware of who to trust, the lovely girl i am with now seems to be totally honest and a good indication is that straight away she wanted me to meet Mom and Dad and they are seemingly nice Folk.
    Since that bad episode i am really careful and i have a number of little tricks up my sleeve to qualify honesty. Sad that we have to resort to this and sad for all the truly lovely and genuine Pinays out there.
    I will happily share any info on how to spot fake scammers to anyone that inquires, i have done a lot of research!
    I am just lucky that i caught the girl out early before really being taken to the cleaners!!
    Take care out there!

  5. #35
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    It's not very nice being duped and it's not just Filipina's who do it. I think the majority of us kind souls get taken for a ride by someone at some point in our lives. Like someone said, you have to put it down to experience.

    I know of a lovely young pretty Filipina lady, George, but she's looking for someone in their 20's.

  6. #36
    Respected Member Farmerg's Avatar
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    Thanks Jamiexxxmaria & yes I am definitely to long in the tooth for that lady.

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