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Thread: cover letter

  1. #1
    Respected Member equaliser's Avatar
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    Hi guys,

    I was just wondering about the cover letter that I will be writing to send with all the other documents for my fiancee to apply for her visa. Is it better for it to be typed or hand-written? To me , a hand-written letter is more personal but may not be legible enough for someone in Manila, but on the other hand a typed letter is easily read but a bit detached. Perhaps a hand-written letter with a typed transcript would be best? What do you think?


  2. #2
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    Originally posted by equaliser@Feb 2 2006, 01:03 PM
    Hi guys,

    I was just wondering about the cover letter that I will be writing to send with all the other documents for my fiancee to apply for her visa. Is it better for it to be typed or hand-written? To me , a hand-written letter is more personal but may not be legible enough for someone in Manila, but on the other hand a typed letter is easily read but a bit detached. Perhaps a hand-written letter with a typed transcript would be best? What do you think?

    A typed letter is fine, I'm sure the Embassy knows that we all have computers or have access to computers with the ability to print out letters - I think it looks much more tidier and professional.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Feb 2 2006, 01:16 PM
    A typed letter is fine, I'm sure the Embassy knows that we all have computers or have access to computers with the ability to print out letters - I think it looks much more tidier and professional.

    Rob is correct, I would also say a typed letter is fine, thats of course if they can be bothered to read it, to be frank, when I submitted my budget statement on our 2nd visa interview, thats When I had my first personal encounter with

    Jacqueline Lewin

    She through it back at me, and pushed it under the window like, it was an inconvenience, the covering letter has been known to produce a good result, but little is known about whether it actually has any effect, the only time I saw any evidence of this, is on Gina's interview transcript, which came to us by flook, (its rare to get this), it did say " A nice covering letter was submitted buy sponsor" thus proving the ECO had read it, but as I have said, a typed one seems fine, will they read it ? hmmm how long is a peice of string ?


  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Like the others mine was Printed. So i could spell check and keep a record. Also ensures the letter is easy to read and understood.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Doc898's Avatar
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    Ours was printed as well. A short overview of the relationship was a good start for the supporting letter then followed by the ability to support the wife/fiance. On the bottom of the page was signed in pen by my husband.
    Worry is like a rocking chair;It gives you something to do,but it doesn't get you anywhere!

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I've just had to do one for our sheep loving friend....(not you Rob, please don't get jealous )
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Respected Member ebony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc898 View Post
    Ours was printed as well. A short overview of the relationship was a good start for the supporting letter then followed by the ability to support the wife/fiance. On the bottom of the page was signed in pen by my husband.
    Is the covering letter same as the sponsorship letter?

  8. #8
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    sponsorship is the letter that is the formal invitation to come to the uk & live with the sponsor.

    cover letter introduces yourself & explains how you have indecent pictures of the eco with his neighbors goat & that if you do not get the visa, the pictures will be projected onto the ayala centre in glorious technicolor - as part of chinese new year celebrations - 100feet tall.

    just like last year..

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