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Thread: Re: How to determine if the job being offered is authentic? - for domestic job

  1. #1
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    Re: How to determine if the job being offered is authentic? - for domestic job

    Hi all!

    I have read a LINK REMOVED about a domestic job offer and I would just like to know if it is authentic or not. Actually, I already contacted the person and got this reply:


    1. Is the position still open?Yes
    2. Do you accept male applicant for house keeping?-Yes
    3. You indicated the salary on the post but not the currency. Is it 5000 php?-It is analyzed in the message content below.

    How are you today and your family over there? Is nice to read from you I will love to have you in my family and I will like to say a bit about my family as well.We are Mrs Keating Jenny Dawn and my husband is Mr Dave Lance Dawn I work as an Auditor(Full time) and my husband owns a well reputable company(Plastic) in London(UK).We just came back from the states 2 months ago after a long stay but we decided to move back to our own town and due to the extremely busy nature of my job and my tight work schedule.I have no quality time to spend with my kids so I need a reliable and GOD fearing applicant.Below

    ( Aupair/Nanny/Driver/Chef or House sitter)

    who will take good care of my two kids and at the same time do some up keeping of the house together with cooking because my husband and I are so busy and my husband always travel due to his business.My husband is trying to take care of his businesses around the world so you will be in the position to take absolute care of our child.

    If you are willing to accept this offer and all responsibility shall be taken care of by me.Your salary as Aupair/Nanny/Driver/Chef or House sitter will be very attractive and also negotiable.It is analyzed below

    AU PAIR/NANNY: £1,800 Monthly ,weekly allowance (350)
    DRIVER: £2000 Monthly weekly allowance (400)
    CHEF: £1,900 Monthly ,weekly allowance (300)
    HOUSE SITTER: £1,700 Monthly ,weekly allowance (350)

    If you are willing and ready to accept this job please email me back and you will be referred to our scrutiny officer for the official approach and subsequent procedures of scrutinizing you.The post is needing an urgent applicant and we are seeking someone who can work with us for one year or more.

    I really need someone who's trustworthy and can take care of my kids very well.Our kids loves playing games and the amusement park but most of all they love going for movies. We live in a friendly environments with lovely people since you will be with them when they are back from school, you will just have to take them to movies occasionally.

    We want you not just taking care of our kids alone but as part of the family because it has to do with our children and we love them very well. We once had an Aupair/Nanny but she has gotten a better job now and our kids loved her so much and we believe they will love you same way too because I have just told you the secret to their love which is taking them to movies and amusement parks occasionally so do get back to me Asap if you we like to work with my family.



    Dawn Family

    Thanks, your idea will be so valuable.

    Last edited by Steve.r; 18th March 2011 at 10:44. Reason: link removed

  2. #2
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    It's a SCAM ..... don't waste your time.

    (they'll recommend a travel/visa agency to you, which will "process" your papers/visa, but you'll have to pay most of the money upfront .... which they'll supposedly re-imburse you when you arrive in the UK. Once they receive your money, you'll never hear from them again)
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Marco, I would say definately a SCAM

    I edited the link out because I dont want any member here falling for the same scam. Getting work here in the UK has become so difficult now, even for highly skilled workers, so domestic work will be nearly impossible unless you are already here and able to work legally.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
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    Thanks everyone for giving me your valuable opinion. :-)

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    its near impossible to get any kind of work permit visa now, so if you see a job offer and its below degree level, then its all most certainly a scam

  6. #6
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    The English and grammar is appalling.

    Presumably the advertiser spent his/her youth in Nigeria ?

  7. #7
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The English and grammar is appalling.

    Presumably the advertiser spent his/her youth in Nigeria ?
    Fonejacker comes to mind
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  8. #8
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marco View Post
    Hi all!

    I have read a LINK REMOVED about a domestic job offer and I would just like to know if it is authentic or not. Actually, I already contacted the person and got this reply:

    Thanks, your idea will be so valuable.

    How to determine if the job being offered is authentic?

    An authenticated JOB ORDER.

    but reading the link here i think its a SCAM
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  9. #9
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    How to deal with Nigerian scammers:

  10. #10
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    How to deal with Nigerian scammers:

    yes yes yes ...... exactly who I was thinking of Graham
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  11. #11
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  12. #12
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    Nice one Graham

  13. #13
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Success !

    Well, curiosity got the better of me, and I applied for the driver’s job…… and the next step in the charade was their interview (by email)…. as below ….

    (1)Tell me about yourself-
    Unmarried, mad, and bad

    2)What drives you to achieve your objectives??-
    I’ve driven jeepneys and 4x4’s, although I do sometimes take the bus.

    3)Why have you taken the career path that you have??-
    If you drive a jeepney, you have to keep on the dedicated path, otherwise how can you pick up passengers ? Also you will have arguments with other drivers.

    4)Tell me about a problem you have solved-

    Someone kept letting down my car tires. I hide at night & discovered them. Now that their fingers are broken, they cannot unscrew the valves.

    5)What challenges you think the family should face??-
    Death .... eventually. It happens to us all

    6)Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions ???-
    I am not very keen on dog or cat meat

    7)Education level attained to date ?
    High School, but I hope to attend night school/college after I have settled into the job

    8)What can you deliver for this job??-
    I think I will be like that man in the film “Transporter”

    9)Characteristics of your personality and lifestyle-
    I live by the bible …. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

    10)Tell me about a problem you have solved in your former or present working place-
    There was a bully who terrorized some of my co-workers, so they asked me to talk to him, and try and solve the problem. After I talked to him, he has not been seen since. The issue is now dead.

    11)What do you think a Driver should bring along when coming to work with the family??
    A car would be nice, yes ?

    12)Do you have any health concerns that a host family should be aware of ?-
    Yes, isn't it dangerous working in that plastic's factory ?

    13)Where do you see yourself in 5 years time??-
    On a wanted poster

    14)Do you have many or few friends and explain what you consider a good friend ?
    Oscar Wilde said “true friends stab you in the front”, but I think I’m smart enough to see it coming, and stab them first.

    15)Describe your experience in caring for children, include ages, type, frequency and duration ?-
    I have 3 children by 3 different women. I am truly a father figure with lots of experience.

    …… and after answering their email interview questions, and their review of my answers, I got the job ! Praise the Lord !

    I’m now waiting to hear from their “immigration” services.

    …. To be continued …..
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  14. #14
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    Excellent !

  15. #15
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    Good one !

  16. #16
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    The saga continues….

    I’ve now been contacted by their “immigration service provider” (no surprise there), who want me to pay £300 within 3 working days to a Mr Calvin Wilson at 79 Whitehall, London…. and you guessed it, by WESTERN UNION.
    … and the email is signed ….”Best Regards, Mr Iain Duncan Smith
    The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Department for Work and Pensions” I kid you not !

    …… and amazingly, after I informed them that I had a seaman’s transit visa, and could be in London this coming weekend, the sponsor of this fantastic employment opportunity has provided me with their address ….. 23 BENETT GARDENS, LONDON, CROYDON, SW16 4QE, which is supposedly “more near to Heathrow than Gatwick”.

    Croydon is obviously NOT nearer Heathrow.

    23 Benet Gardens is an actual real address (rather surprisingly), a 3-bedroomed terraced house.
    How the hell 2 parents, 2 kids, a driver, a nanny, a chef, and a house sitter all fit in there is still a mystery.

    … but I’ve said I’ll be there this coming Saturday, so I might find out …….. TBC ……..
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    … but I’ve said I’ll be there this coming Saturday, so I might find out …….. TBC ……..
    What a crazy, amazing and funny story. It's keeping me entertained for sure.
    Yep, I'm looking forward to the next episode.

    The episode I would look forward to the most is the one where 5 UKBA personnel rush in and get everyone involved in their investigations.

  18. #18
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Well.....It is definitely a SCAM!!! It would just waste your time and in near future will asking you to send them money for working visa, etc...

  19. #19
    Respected Member simpleHeart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    … but I’ve said I’ll be there this coming Saturday, so I might find out …….. TBC ……..
    definitely looking forward....

  20. #20
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    … so ….. having not received a reply concerning my intentions to arrive at my prospective employer’s house on Saturday (strange how they want to give me the job, but not actually meet me), I now decided to turn my attentions to the visa provider…

    Them : Dear Applicant,
    You are to make payment to the receiver's name and this address 37-39A King Street, Southall before your arrival here as we have started the processing and is left with the said fee to be able to endorse and approve it for your obtainment when you get here.
    Regards, The British Immigration

    Me: What's going on ????????????????
    I turned up at 37-39A King Street on Saturday.
    The people there accepted my money, and told me to return in 1 hour.
    When I returned the office was closed, with a sticker on the door saying "Gone to Nigeria".
    Where's my money.... and where's my visa ????????????????????????////

    Which neither sounds to me very much like the type of language the British government’s immigration services would use….. nor very God-fearing (altho’ the burning bit does have religious overtones!).

    So, the story seems to have run its course.

    And the moral of the story …..If it’s too good to be true, and Western Union is mentioned, then it ain’t”
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  21. #21
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Thats it??... And there`s me thinking you were gonna get them to tattoo FILIPINO UK RULES on their butt cheeks or something else outrageous..
    Bit disappointed actually.

  22. #22
    Member skydipper's Avatar
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    Hi Marco,

    It seems that we share almost the same story. The only difference is, I did not yet pay for the shipping fee, tax clearance and insurance certificate which the agency asked me to pay. Here's the message:



    We have to take this opportunity to tell you that your documents are ready and it has been sent to the shipping company FedEx.

    But, we got a little problem from the Shipping company (FedEx ),You are expected to pay for the tax clearance,shipping fee and the flight insurance certificate .

    shipping fee ................................150pounds

    tax clearance.................................100pounds

    Flight insurance certificate...............950pounds

    The total cost is ( 1,200pounds) ,We kindly appreciate your soonest update about the fee ,So as to enable your document to be claimed at the port of destination also for your document to be shipped to your door step Hope you kindly Understand Us?

    Also a copy of your Resident permit has been scan and attached for you to see because all the other document have
    been forwarded to the shipping company .

    We are also sorry for the inconvenience ,we promised to offer the best of the services.
    Best Regards.

    And attached here was the resident permit which I believe they scanned and sent me to convince me that I really have the documents and will receive it after I'll pay the amount.

  23. #23
    Member Filipinamom's Avatar
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    Wow! What an interesting journey of discovery

  24. #24
    Member Filipinamom's Avatar
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    Haha! Good for them...

  25. #25
    Member saving_grace127's Avatar
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    i also experienced that kind of scam and fortunately i was able to consult this site prior to sending the amount they asked me to pay and its really frustrating to find out that its definitely a SCAM... the lesson here is never go shortcut in finding a good job bcoz more often than not the job you will find is a FAKE one.

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