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Thread: Major Drone Strike in Pakistan

  1. #1
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    Major Drone Strike in Pakistan

    A U.S. drone missile strike on Thursday killed at least 38 suspected militants in a Pakistani tribal region known as a haven for Taliban and al Qaeda fighters, Pakistani intelligence officials said.

  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    As it says suspected I wonder how many more people will be angered and decide to join in across the border.

    Judge Jury and Execution by remote control is not on my list of things democracies should be doing in my name

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    Suspected U.S. drone strike in Pakistan, 38 killed

    Yesterday, 11:43 am

    A U.S. drone missile strike on Thursday killed at least 38 suspected militants in a Pakistani tribal region known as a haven for Taliban and al Qaeda fighters, Pakistani intelligence officials said. Skip related content
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    There were conflicting accounts about the target of the attack and those killed in the Datta Khel region of North Waziristan. The death toll was one of the highest in a drone missile strike.
    The area is a stronghold of Hafiz Gul Bahadur, a Taliban commander who harbours and sends militants across the border to fight Western forces in Afghanistan.
    One official said the missiles targeted a house as elders loyal to Bahadur were trying to mediate between two warring militant groups inside.
    Another official said the drone attacked a vehicle in the area that was passing by a house where local tribesmen were holding a meeting, killing them. A tribesman in the area supported his account.
    "It wasn't a militant gathering, but a meeting of tribal elders from Ismail Khan village to sort out some differences over a business deal," tribesman Zia-ur-Rehman told Reuters.
    "One of Bahadur's commanders, Sharabat Khan, was also present at the meeting as he is also a local elder, but they were discussing business."
    There were conflicting reports about whether Khan had been killed in the attack. It was not immediately known if those in the vehicle were also hit.
    The United States has been attacking al Qaeda-linked militants for the past few years in Pakistan's lawless tribal areas using drones, which are a source of worry for the government because civilians casualties inflame public anger and bolster support for the militants."
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    As it says suspected I wonder how many more people will be angered and decide to join in across the border.

    Judge Jury and Execution by remote control is not on my list of things democracies should be doing in my name
    Maybe the Hellfire Missiles have KeithAngel emblazoned on them rather than "Suck on This" or "This one's for you Osama"

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Dont you think that the potential "collateral damage" of civilian casualties of women and kids is perhaps encouraging to the extremists as it gives them a new crop of members?

    Dont you think it may be self defeating to encourage indiscriminate destruction to small community,s and lead to ever more Brits killed over there

    Or do you realy think any one who lives in the remote mountains, wears a turban and carries a rifle should be killed anyway.

    Come to think of it

    Do you think at all
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  5. #5
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    Drones Winning War on Terror - Not for nothing are the drones known as Predators

    More than 40 people were killed in Pakistan last week in a US drone attack near the Afghan border. The use of unmanned drones has always been controversial, but ex-CIA director Michael Hayden says they are winning the war.

    Ten years on from 9/11, al-Qaeda appears to be on the back foot. One of the main reasons is that its leadership no longer enjoys untouchable sanctuary in the tribal areas of Pakistan where for many years it has been able to plot and train its recruits.

    The reason? Pilotless American drone aircraft with a payload of deadly Hellfire missiles, guided to their targets by remote control from thousands of miles away in the American desert.

    Not for nothing are the drones known as Predators.

  6. #6
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    the drone attacks have been multiplying on Pakistan and Afghanistan border , it seems to be a very effective way to hit the illegal setups across the borders.
    but nothing has been found as a final result , what is the conclusion .
    definitely it also arises a thinking of anti America sometimes .

    if we accept that it is effective then have the drone make it possible to stop any anti-us violation in afghanistan .
    however the officials know better.


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