morning everyone
am newbie here and am gald to found this helpful forum and hoping to find answerto my confusion
in short here is my problem
I am reading through some posts and the guidelines in UKBA website. And now I am confused.
"If you delayed your journey to the UK by weeks or months after the date when you were given permission to enter, that permission will expire before the end of your 2-year qualifying period. In that case, you may need to apply to extend your visa using application form FLR(M) before you can apply for settlement."
My passport details:
Type of Visa: Spouse
Valid From: 29/3/10
Valid Until: 29/6/12
Date Arrived in the UK: 20/5/10
recently passed the Life in the UK Test
Should I apply the FLR or ILR? (this is the one that fully confused me)
* am cumputing the date that the earliest I could lodge my application is on 22nd April 2012(28 days before the visa expire)?
any idea
thank you