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Thread: Help please :') husband visa

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) xylonavim's Avatar
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    Unhappy Help please :') husband visa

    HI TO ALL! I'm a newbie here I hope some kind-hearted people out there could help me what to do about my husband visa. what are the steps and documents we need to prepare also I am 34weeks pregnant as of now DOES ANYONE KNOW WHETHER BEING PREGNANT WILL AFFECT THE PROCESS OF HUSBAND VISA APPLICATION OR NOT?

    I am planning to sponsor my husband outland, I'm a filipino UK resident (ILR), he is malaysian-chinese, currently working in the philippines . I'm desperate to claim my husband but I don't know how to start.

    Please let me know, if anyone had experience before.

    Thank you very much!

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access) xylonavim's Avatar
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    Post Hi everyone! new here. need help :-)

    HHI TO ALL! I'm a newbie here I hope some kind-hearted people out there could help me what to do about my husband visa. what are the steps and documents we need to prepare also DOES ANYONE KNOW WHETHER BEING PREGNANT WILL AFFECT THE PROCESS OF HUSBAND VISA APPLICATION OR NOT?

    I am planning to sponsor my husband outland, I'm a filipino UK resident (ILR), he is malaysian-chinese, currently working in the philippines .

    Please let me know, if anyone had experience before.

    Thank you!

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    xylonavin, hi and a warm welcome to this friendly forum,
    keep looking back someone with more knowledge than me will give help answers for you,
    they are all very helpfull, meantime have a look around the forum, some of your answers may be among help given to others similer to your own position

  4. #4
    Respected Member Farmerg's Avatar
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  5. #5
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    Hi there xylonavim, welcome to the forum

    1. Have you already checked out the UKBA website here:-
    and here:-

    2. Do you have employment?
    3. Do you have somewhere to live?

  6. #6
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    Can a mod please merge all these posts? to be sure all the advice is in one place?

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    king Arthur

    pls stop posting the same post in different areas, your just people
    and they might not bother replying

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and to answer your question, it could, but probably not, as i dont think your asked the question on any of the forms, but once the baby is born, you would need more finances to support not just your husband but also the baby, but as you have ILR and i take it your baby will be born in the UK(meaning the baby is British) you can claim child benefit and probably tax creds.

    you need to show a minimum of about £100 a wk after paying rent/mortgage and council tax, but you would b e wise to have £2,000+ in savings to support your husband.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Can a mod please merge all these posts? to be sure all the advice is in one place?
    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    king Arthur
    Sure thing ... DONE!

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access) xylonavim's Avatar
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    @joebloggs: thanks for your very helpful information!

    @ terpe: yes i have thanks! well, as of now i'm unemployed cos i'm 34wks preggy hehe, me and my mom are renting 2bedroom flat. i have enough savings though, Would that be good enough? does my husband need to take the level a1 english test as well?

  11. #11
    Newbie (Restricted Access) xylonavim's Avatar
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    Smile hi

    by the way guys, I have another question, recently I've been getting a little doubtful on whether my husband should apply for settlement visa now or afterwards? I really want to be him to be me and our upcoming baby, It's really hard to build a family when both of us are far from each other. I mean, after he take the level a1 cefr english test right?! would that be enough? what are the procedures or documents that i need to send him and he needs to fill up as well? (sorry for being simpleton)

    @joebloggs: thanks for your very helpful information!

    @ terpe: yes i have thanks! well, as of now i'm unemployed cos i'm 34wks preggy hehe, my mom & me are renting 2bedroom flat. i have enough savings though, Would that be good enough?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by xylonavim View Post
    @joebloggs: thanks for your very helpful information!

    @ terpe: yes i have thanks! well, as of now i'm unemployed cos i'm 34wks preggy hehe, me and my mom are renting 2bedroom flat. i have enough savings though, Would that be good enough? does my husband need to take the level a1 english test as well?
    Yes he would need to pass English Language.
    When you say you are unemployed, do you mean you are on Maternity Leave or do you mean you have no job at all to return to?

  13. #13
    Newbie (Restricted Access) xylonavim's Avatar
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    No job at all this is my life's story, I've been in UK for more than 5yrs and I was about to apply for my British citizenship last yr, I have passed the test etc. BUT all of a sudden there's some drastic change, my bf and I decided that I should go back to phil. and get married there since its a lot cheaper, so I resigned from my job here in UK.. (risk everything) I went back to the philippines to meet him (April 26, 2010) got pregnant on (July 2010)

    get married on (Dec. 29,2010) cos it take so long to process our marriage cert. and documents etc. since he's a malaysian, so we have to go back & forth to malaysia to claim his single letter and process and everything. I stayed there for 9months, I've just came back last month (Feb. 15, 2011) I thank God the immigration still allows me to go back here in UK even though I exceed my limit of stay in the phil., to sum it up as of now I'm jobless and pregnant but I want to claim my husband. :(

    Any advice?

    thank you

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well i think you said your living with your mom who rents a 2bed flat ? if she can get permission and a letter off the owner stating that you and your husband can live there that should sort your accomodation out, i don't think it will be classed as over crowded becuase a baby is not counted when working out if your accomodation is over crowded.

    you said i think you had sayings ? £2000+ ??

    your could ask your mom also to provide 3rd party financial support ( if they accept it) as well as supporting your accomodation..

    you really need a job thou, but you might be lucky and get it without a job, but more risky,,

  15. #15
    Newbie (Restricted Access) xylonavim's Avatar
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    yes I have, I've been saving this eversince in case of emergency, as of now I only £2,500 would that be enough? by the way thank you so much! that was really helpful

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